DLookup to return different value on MoveNext


Local time
Today, 10:12
Mar 25, 2021
Hi All.

I have the below code which generates an automatic email based on information from a query called QueryHiresOverdue. The correct amount of emails are being generated, however the To and CC for each email is the same.

I am using a DLookup to find the To and CC for the email. Depending on the [Ward] in the QueryHiresOverdue, I should see a different To and CC.

The MSG I have is changing for each record in the query, so I was expecting the To and CC to do the same.

Can anybody spot the issue with my DLookup that is causing it to return the same value?

        .To = DLookup("[HousekeeperName]", "LookupDepartment", "Depart=Ward")

        .CC = DLookup("[DeptHead]", "LookupDepartment", "Depart=Ward")


Full code below if required.

    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim REC As Recordset
    Dim reportName As String
    Dim criteria As String
    Dim MSG As String
    Dim O As Outlook.Application
    Dim M As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim FolderPath As String, fileName As String
    Dim TotalRecords As Integer
    Dim n As Integer
    Dim ToAddress As String
    Dim CCAddress As String
    ' Count records in found set
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set REC = db.OpenRecordset("QueryHiresOverdue", dbOpenDynaset)
TotalRecords = REC.RecordCount

If TotalRecords > 0 Then

' Get out message
Message = "MediPool will Automatically send " & TotalRecords & _
            " overdue reminder emails" _
            & Chr(10) & "Do you wish to continue?"
Title = "MediPool Auto Emails"
Response = MsgBox(Message, vbOKCancel, Title)
If Response = vbCancel Then GoTo Exit_CommandOverdueEmails_Click

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set REC = db.OpenRecordset("QueryHiresOverdue", dbOpenDynaset)

For n = 1 To TotalRecords

    MSG = "Your ward, " & REC("Ward") & ", currently has hire equipment that should be in use in Bed Space " & REC("BedSpaceNumber") & ". It was hired out for patient " & REC("Initials") & ", Hospital Number " & REC("HospitalNumber") & "." & "<p>" & "This hire is currently costing your Ward £" & REC("CostPerDay") & " per day, and has costed £" & REC("CostSoFar") & " in total so far." & "<p>" & "Hire Item Details:" & "<p>" & "Device Type - " & REC("DeviceType") & "" & "<p>" & "Model - " & REC("Model") & "" & "<p>" & "Supplier - " & REC("HiredFrom") & "" & "<p>" & "Serial Number - " & REC("SerialNumber") & "" & "<p>" & "Please check whether this item is still in use. If you have finished with this hire, please arrange with the Porters on Extension 1188 to return it to the Equipment Pool." & "<p>" & "Thanks" & "<p>" & "Equipment Pool" & "<p>" & "Extension 2323"

'Remember to add REFERENCE to Microsoft Outlook Object Library
    Set O = New Outlook.Application
    Set M = O.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    With M
        .BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
        .HTMLBody = MSG
        .To = DLookup("[HousekeeperName]", "LookupDepartment", "Depart=Ward")
        .CC = DLookup("[DeptHead]", "LookupDepartment", "Depart=Ward")
        .Subject = "Hire Equipment Overdue For Returning"
    End With
Next n

    'Completed Message
Message = TotalRecords & " emails have automatically been sent by MediPool"
Title = "MediPool Auto Emails"
Response = MsgBox(Message, vbOK, Title)

    Exit Sub

End If
Your dlookup criteria needs to reference the recordset
"Depart= " & REC.fields("Ward")

No need to open the recordset twice.
Couldn't you just use the recordset rather then use a for loop?
Last edited:
Are Depart and Ward ID number fields or text string fields?

If text then I think you would also need to wrap it in speech marks:
"Depart= """ & REC("Ward") & """"
Hi All.

I have the below code which generates an automatic email based on information from a query called QueryHiresOverdue. The correct amount of emails are being generated, however the To and CC for each email is the same.

I am using a DLookup to find the To and CC for the email. Depending on the [Ward] in the QueryHiresOverdue, I should see a different To and CC.

The MSG I have is changing for each record in the query, so I was expecting the To and CC to do the same.

Can anybody spot the issue with my DLookup that is causing it to return the same value?

        .To = DLookup("[HousekeeperName]", "LookupDepartment", "Depart=Ward")

        .CC = DLookup("[DeptHead]", "LookupDepartment", "Depart=Ward")


Full code below if required.

    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim REC As Recordset
    Dim reportName As String
    Dim criteria As String
    Dim MSG As String
    Dim O As Outlook.Application
    Dim M As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim FolderPath As String, fileName As String
    Dim TotalRecords As Integer
    Dim n As Integer
    Dim ToAddress As String
    Dim CCAddress As String
    ' Count records in found set
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set REC = db.OpenRecordset("QueryHiresOverdue", dbOpenDynaset)
TotalRecords = REC.RecordCount

If TotalRecords > 0 Then

' Get out message
Message = "MediPool will Automatically send " & TotalRecords & _
            " overdue reminder emails" _
            & Chr(10) & "Do you wish to continue?"
Title = "MediPool Auto Emails"
Response = MsgBox(Message, vbOKCancel, Title)
If Response = vbCancel Then GoTo Exit_CommandOverdueEmails_Click

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set REC = db.OpenRecordset("QueryHiresOverdue", dbOpenDynaset)

For n = 1 To TotalRecords

    MSG = "Your ward, " & REC("Ward") & ", currently has hire equipment that should be in use in Bed Space " & REC("BedSpaceNumber") & ". It was hired out for patient " & REC("Initials") & ", Hospital Number " & REC("HospitalNumber") & "." & "<p>" & "This hire is currently costing your Ward £" & REC("CostPerDay") & " per day, and has costed £" & REC("CostSoFar") & " in total so far." & "<p>" & "Hire Item Details:" & "<p>" & "Device Type - " & REC("DeviceType") & "" & "<p>" & "Model - " & REC("Model") & "" & "<p>" & "Supplier - " & REC("HiredFrom") & "" & "<p>" & "Serial Number - " & REC("SerialNumber") & "" & "<p>" & "Please check whether this item is still in use. If you have finished with this hire, please arrange with the Porters on Extension 1188 to return it to the Equipment Pool." & "<p>" & "Thanks" & "<p>" & "Equipment Pool" & "<p>" & "Extension 2323"

'Remember to add REFERENCE to Microsoft Outlook Object Library
    Set O = New Outlook.Application
    Set M = O.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    With M
        .BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
        .HTMLBody = MSG
        .To = DLookup("[HousekeeperName]", "LookupDepartment", "Depart=Ward")
        .CC = DLookup("[DeptHead]", "LookupDepartment", "Depart=Ward")
        .Subject = "Hire Equipment Overdue For Returning"
    End With
Next n

    'Completed Message
Message = TotalRecords & " emails have automatically been sent by MediPool"
Title = "MediPool Auto Emails"
Response = MsgBox(Message, vbOK, Title)

    Exit Sub

End If
Why would you think that, when the criteria never changes? You have hardcoded the word "Ward". As mentioned you need to concatenate the value of the Ward field in the recordset.
Even the first email is likely incorrect.
Why would you think that, when the criteria never changes? You have hardcoded the word "Ward". As mentioned you need to concatenate the value of the Ward field in the recordset.
Even the first email is likely incorrect.

This was my initial code. I tried to reference the recordset by using REC!Ward but it was returning errors. I wasn't sure how to correctly reference the recordset in the DLookup.

The email content strangely worked OK.

Thankfully, @Bennet solved the issue as I would never have gotten the speech marks in the correct place.
Two statements:
- If there are multiple possible hits, DLookup returns a value from a random record. So there can be deviations when repeated.
- Your recordset and the loop make no sense at all other than providing a loop. Nothing from the recordset is used.

There are also other inconsistencies in the code.

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