My previous suggestion (or a variation) ought to work if you use the correct field names for each table: CodeNo vs [Code No] (who named these inconsistently? What a nightmare!)
Storing the same data in different tables seems a bit of a design smell to me, but if there is good reason to store the Location in ImportEquipment rather than use a query on the two tables joined to find the Location, you can try something like:
Code:Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "UPDATE ImportEquipment e " & _ "INNER JOIN PoolBookings p " & _ "ON e.[Code No] = p.CodeNo " & _ "SET e.Location = p.Location " & _ "WHERE p.CodeNo = '" & Me.CodeNo & "';" With CurrentDb .Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError If .RecordsAffected = 0 Then MsgBox "No Record Found" End If End With
This will update the Location field in ImportEquipment with the Location field value in PoolBookings if the the CodeNo in PoolBookings exists in the [Code No] field in ImportEquipment (it will be found via the INNER JOIN).
If the [Code No] is not present in ImportEquipment nothing will happen.
So, it tests whether any update occurred (via .RecordsAffected) - if so, continue; if not, notify that no match was found.
(Also assumes that CodeNo/[Code No] are string datatypes - I'm not sure you've clarified that above)
You're right. I don't know why I am not just creating a query to join the two tables.
I have created a query called QueryPoolBookings with PoolBookings and ImportEquipment tables, and included all fields from PoolBookings and just the Location field from ImportEquipment. I have changed the form's record source to QueryPoolBookings.
In the DCount, I have used EquipID as
The complete button now has this behind it which works as it should...
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim REC As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim n As Integer
Dim TotalRecords As Integer
Dim CodeNo As String
TotalRecords = DCount("([Code No])", "ImportEquipment", "([Code No]) = '" & Me.CodeNo & "'")
If TotalRecords > 0 Then
'Update Location in query, which will reflect in Equipment Inventory
Me.Location = Me.DepartmentBookingOut
Message = "This Asset# has not been found in the Equipment Inventory"
Title = "MediPool Asset# Check"
Response = MsgBox(Message, vbOKCancel, Title)
End If
DoCmd.Close acForm, "PoolBookings"
Thanks all for your help