DNSLess connect String VBA for Access 2010 to SQL 2008 R2 (1 Viewer)


Nothing In Moderation
Local time
Today, 01:44
Oct 22, 2009
Correction DSNLess: Finally got the code to work for SQL Security. Please note: I accidently posted this over a 2 year old post of mine when I did this for Access 2003. For what it is worth, my Access 2003 code did not work on Access 2010 with the same SQL Native 10 driver.

This code was very difficult to find. Looks so easy now. It was late evening, I think the brackets around the SQL Server Native Client 10.0 made a difference.
Also, the text for the dbo.<tablename> in the SQL Server Link is addressed here.
This works if an Access 2010 Linked table has an exact Table that was migrated to SQL Server 2008.
The Access Table Object icon stays an Access icon until several minutes later. Then it turns into the SQL Server Globe (green) icon.

Does anyone have an idea how to get the table icons to refresh quicker? It can be a minute or ten minutes for the table object icon to change.
While the Table object icon is still displaying the MSAccess icon format, hovering over the table icon shows "dbo.Const_Seed in" - they all have the table name followed by " in"
Once the table object icon converts to a SQL Server Globe icon - hovering over it has the full connection string.

Code calls my SQL_linked table - gets a Table Name then loops through a statement like this one.

Sub RefreshDSNLess2() ' Existing table in Access 2010 was upsized to SQL Server 2008 RC2
Dim ConnectString As String
Dim strConnectionString As String
Dim scn As String
Dim sLocalName As String
Dim UID As String
Dim PWD As String
UID = "dataUser"
PWD = "dataPW"
sLocalName = "R_33"     ' <<<---pick linked table with SQL Server Security
Dim DataBaseName As String
DataBaseName = "RegulatoryDB"
' Note - updated recently updated to SQL Server Native Client 11.0  ' really nice!
strConnectionString = "ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server Native Client 10.0;" & _
    "SERVER=DenReg-Test;DATABASE=" & DataBaseName & ";" & _
    "UID=" & UID & ";" & _
    "Password=" & PWD & ";" & _
    "Table=DBO." & sLocalName ' & ";Option=3;"  ' Don't actually know what option 3 does - think it peresists
    Debug.Print strConnectionString
With CurrentDb
    .TableDefs(sLocalName).Connect = strConnectionString 'scn
        ' ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server Native Client 10.0;SERVER=DenReg-Test;DATABASE=RegulatoryDB;UID=datamig;Password=datamig;Table=DBO.R_33
    .TableDefs(sLocalName).RefreshLink ' otherwise, it won't show until the user interface selects some other object, then returns back to Tables
End With
End Sub


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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:44
Dec 23, 2009
I know it has been a while since you posted this question. But here is a script I put together from SEVERAL examples on the net that you may be able to modify or make use of.

To use it
LinkAllTables("SQLserver", "MyDatabase", True)

It will get a list of all the user tables in the SQL Server named Database and connect to each one of them.

You can also specify a schema to use when linking your tables.
LinkAllTables("SQLserver", "MyDatabase", True,"HR")
:eek:(NOTE: the schema is stripped off of the linked table name!!)

Option Compare Database
Public Function LinkAllTables(Server As Variant, Database As Variant, _
                            OverwriteIfExists As Boolean, _
                            Optional Schema As Variant)
                            If IsMissing(Schema) = True Then Schema = "dbo"
On Error GoTo Function_End
    'Usage Example:  Call linkalltables("SQL01","SQLDB", true, "HR")
    ' (link all tables in database "SQLDB" on SQL Server Instance SQO01,
    ' in the 'dbo' and 'HR' schema's overwriting any existing linked tables.
    'This will also update the link if the underlying table definition has been modified.
    Dim rsTableList As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sqlTableList As String
    sqlTableList = "SELECT [TABLE_SCHEMA] + '.' + [TABLE_NAME] as tableName"
    sqlTableList = sqlTableList + " FROM [INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[TABLES]"
    sqlTableList = sqlTableList + " INNER JOIN [sys].[all_objects]"
    sqlTableList = sqlTableList + " ON [INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[TABLES].TABLE_NAME = [sys].[all_objects].[name]"
    sqlTableList = sqlTableList + " WHERE [sys].[all_objects].[type]=N'U' AND [sys].[all_objects].[is_ms_shipped]<>1"
    rsTableList.Open sqlTableList, BuildSQLConnectionString(Server, Database)
    Dim arrSchema As Variant
    While Not rsTableList.EOF
      arrSchema = Split(rsTableList("tableName"), ".", , vbTextCompare)
        Select Case LCase(arrSchema(0))
            Case "common"
                If LinkTable(arrSchema(1), Server, Database, rsTableList("tableName"), OverwriteIfExists) Then
'                Debug.Print "Linking common table " & rsTableList("tableName")
                End If
            Case LCase(Schema)
                If LinkTable(arrSchema(1), Server, Database, rsTableList("tableName"), OverwriteIfExists) Then
'                Debug.Print "Linking schema table " & rsTableList("tableName")
                End If
            Case Else
        End Select
End Function
Function LinkTable(LinkedTableAlias As Variant, Server As Variant, Database As Variant, SourceTableName As Variant, OverwriteIfExists As Boolean)
    'This method will also update the link if the underlying table definition has been modified.
    'The overwrite parameter will cause it to re-map/refresh the link for LinktedTable Alias, but only if it was already a linked table.
    ' it will not overwrite an existing query or local table with the name specified in LinkedTableAlias.
    'Links to a SQL Server table without the need to set up a DSN in the ODBC Console.
    Dim dbsCurrent As Database
    Dim tdfLinked As TableDef
    ' Open a database to which a linked table can be appended.
    Set dbsCurrent = CurrentDb()
    'Check for and deal with the scenario of the table alias already existing
    If TableNameInUse(LinkedTableAlias) Then
        If (Not OverwriteIfExists) Then
            Debug.Print "Can't use name '" + LinkedTableAlias + "' because it would overwrite existing table."
            Exit Function
        End If
        'delete existing table, but only if it is a linked table
        If IsLinkedTable(LinkedTableAlias) Then
            dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Delete LinkedTableAlias
            Debug.Print "Can't use name '" + LinkedTableAlias + "' because it would overwrite an existing query or local table."
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If
    'Create a linked table
    Set tdfLinked = dbsCurrent.CreateTableDef(LinkedTableAlias)
    tdfLinked.SourceTableName = SourceTableName
'    tdfLinked.Connect = "ODBC;DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=" & Server & ";DATABASE=" & Database & ";TRUSTED_CONNECTION=yes;"
    tdfLinked.Connect = "ODBC;" & BuildSQLConnectionString(Server, Database)
'    Dim AppTitle As Variant
'    AppTitle = BuildSQLConnectionString(Server, Database)
'    tdfLinked.Connect = AppTitle
    On Error Resume Next
    dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Append tdfLinked
    If (Err.Number = 3626) Then 'too many indexes on source table for Access
            On Error GoTo 0
            If LinkTable(LinkedTableAlias, Server, Database, "vw" & SourceTableName, OverwriteIfExists) Then
                Debug.Print "Can't link directly to table '" + SourceTableName + "' because it contains too many indexes for Access to handle. Linked to view '" & "vw" & SourceTableName & "' instead."
                LinkTable = True
                Debug.Print "Can't link table '" + SourceTableName + "' because it contains too many indexes for Access to handle. Create a view named '" & "vw" & SourceTableName & "' that selects all rows/columns from '" & SourceTableName & "' and try again to circumvent this."
                LinkTable = False
            End If
            Exit Function
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    LinkTable = True
End Function
Function BuildSQLConnectionString(Server As Variant, DBName As Variant) As String
    BuildSQLConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=" & Server & _
    ";APP=" & Application.CurrentDb.Properties("AppTitle").Value & _
    ";Database=" & DBName & ";TRUSTED_CONNECTION=yes;"
End Function
Function TableNameInUse(TableName As Variant) As Boolean
    'check for local tables, linked tables and queries (they all share the same namespace)
    TableNameInUse = DCount("*", "MSYSObjects", "(Type = 4 or type=1 or type=5) AND [Name]='" & TableName & "'") > 0
End Function
Function IsLinkedTable(TableName As Variant) As Boolean
    IsLinkedTable = DCount("*", "MSYSObjects", "(Type = 4) AND [Name]='" & TableName & "'") > 0
End Function
Public Function DeleteODBCTableNames(Optional stLocalTableName As String)
On Error GoTo Err_DeleteODBCTableNames
Dim dbs As Database, tdf As TableDef, i As Integer
Set dbs = CurrentDb
If Len(stLocalTableName) = 0 Then
    For i = dbs.TableDefs.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
        Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs(i)
            If (tdf.Attributes And dbAttachedODBC) Then
                If tdf.Name = "R2IMAGE" Then
'                    Debug.Print "Skipped Table:" & vbTab & tdf.Name
'                    Debug.Print "Linked Table:" & vbTab & tdf.Name
                    dbs.TableDefs.Delete (tdf.Name)
                End If
            End If
    Next i
'    Debug.Print "Local Table:  " & vbTab & stLocalTableName
    dbs.TableDefs.Delete (stLocalTableName)
End If
Set dbs = Nothing
Exit Function
MsgBox ("Error # " & Str(Err.Number) & " was generated by " & Err.Source & Chr(13) & Err.Description)
Resume Exit_DeleteODBCTableNames
End Function


New member
Local time
Today, 00:44
Mar 28, 2013
This is perfect!! I have been looking for something like this on and off for months. Thank you



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:44
Feb 20, 2003
I am trying to utilize the code from the last message in this thread and for some reason it is not working for me.

I have an Access 2010 db that is linked to SQL Server. I can set up an ODBC connection fine for my instance of the Access front end and it works properly. I send the front end to my network users via Bat file. I tried sending an ODBC connection to their computers using Bat file as well. See below

ODBCCONF.exe CONFIGDSN "SQL Server" "DSN=THOREveryone | Description=02202015 | SERVER=MyServer | Trusted_Connection=Yes | Database=MyDatabaseName"

The connection is stored on their computer, but when they open their local Access frontend, they can't utilize that connection. When they manually create a new connection via Linked table manager, things work fine. Looking at the 2 connections, the one I sent and the one that they create, I can't tell any difference. Is there an easy way to have the Access front end keep or restore the connection to SQL Server for whomever I give the front end to?

Thanks for any help you can provide.


Nothing In Moderation
Local time
Today, 01:44
Oct 22, 2009
Ah, little different subject.
When distributing front-end to different end-users desktops.

That is covered in some different questions.
Basically, you want to put a shortcut on the desktop and a folder on the users workstation.
Also, each odbc driver must be the same. My preference is to install the free SQLServer Native Client 11.0. Others prefer the built-in ODBC.

The bat file
Deletes the front-end from the local PC (e.g. C:\MyFrontEnd)
copies the latest version of the front-end from a network location into the local PC (e.g. C:\MyFrontEnd)
Launches the Access Front end.

Since the Network location front end (a.k.a. latest front end version) uses ODBC, this is why each PC must have the same ODBC setup.

This is why Citrix or Remote Services is so popular. Instead of each PC setup, we create a virtual machine for each user per each session.

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