Question Document Control


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 02:48
Jul 25, 2011

Our work 'losses' documents (doc,xls,pdf etc) all over our server, I would like to start a document control within ms assess.
I was thinking that I enter the path to the document. When I click on the path the document will display.

That's my idea but am open to any suggestion.

It's certainly doable. Not sure how many people in your company will actually use it diligently if they aren't organizing their files already. Also consider access rights. I know at my place, different people have different permissions for what part of our servers can be accessed. So if a person using your Access application tries to open a file on a network drive they don't have access to or maybe even someone else's local computer drive, they would encounter an error. I'd say it's probably better to first consider organizing the files in a centralized location that allows appropriate access rights. But if you want to go ahead with this, here's some code I think you might find useful:
'Opens the file named filename
Application.FollowHyperlink filename
This can be placed in the OnClick event of a textbox or label holding the name of the file.
'Open File dialog menu
Dim f As Object
Set f = Application.FileDialog(3)
If.AllowMultiSelect = False

'Set value of a control called txtControl to the file path of the file you picked
If f.Show = True Then
    Me.txtControl = f.SelectedItems(1)
End If
This can be placed in the OnClick event for a command button.

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