The only solution for a barrage of questions is a barrage of answers, I guess.
The jury for that case didn't have to consider your questions because the woman was sober. Tired from working a 10-hour shift as a bartender, but sober. (Bartenders rarely get drunk because they've seen it too much already.) She seemed to be a nice enough lady, but in all honesty, she was an older woman to whom life had been unkind. If the defendant really wanted to ra** her, he HAD to be drunk out of his mind. Definitely he was suffering from a case of "drink until she looks good."
Based on the district attorney's opening statements, the level of the defendant's intoxication at the time does not govern the charges to be filed. It is his
actions that resulted in him being arrested and charged on four charges: Aggravated assault, aggravated robbery, aggravated attempted ra**, and aggravated crime against nature. Our jury reduced the "aggravated attempted ra**" to "forcible attempted ra**" and returned "guilty as charged" to the other three charges.
However, in regard to your question about which of the participants is drunk...
If the woman is drunk and the guy isn't, that is "statutory ra**" because she is presumed to be impaired and thus unable to consent. If if there is no actual violent act, her impairment means she didn't have a fair chance to say "NO."
If the man is drunk but can still perform, and the woman is not drunk and seduces him, it is theoretically possible but very unlikely for her to be charged with ra**, which again would be "statutory" because of the inability to provide consent.
For the case that both parties are drunk, I believe that the way the laws were written, it depends on who is the
aggressor. If the police cannot identify that one was clearly the aggressor, the odds are that the district attorney will obtain a "no true bill" (USA legalese for saying the grand jury couldn't decide who was to blame so can't assign liability for the crime.) If two people both get stone-blind drunk and still manage to actually DO something (other than fall asleep), the cops will listen to whichever one complains but will probably privately say "Who cares?"
Do all men who marry an alcoholic nymphomaniac end up in prison?
After a while, yes. They go on sabbatical.