Drop down box show query


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Today, 10:17
Dec 3, 2013
I have a database with a drop down box that lists all of the contacts in the database. When I select someone in that drop down box it goes directly to their record.

What I want to do is be able to display different criteria in the drop down box based on some criteria. So one criterion might be everyone, another criterion might be only people with a certain product.

How would I do this?

I guess I would like something like, one drop down box selects the criteria (show all clients, or show all clients with a certain product), then another drop down box is based on that one which displays that which was select in the first drop down. Then the results in the form would display based on the second drop down.
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You've answered your own question.
Research Cascading Combos
I was wondering how to do it. I know what I want I am just looking for ways to do it. I am a beginner trying to put this database together. If I was to post my database here, is it something easy to implement?
As a follow up. So I've been reviewing cascading combo boxes and I am finding some good stuff. But here is a preliminary step I need. I need to tag each record with something like what month are they assigned in, and what products. Then I need the combo box to display what that month is that they are tagged in, and then populate the second combo box. It is the second combo box that will show the record on the form.

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