As a once heavy smoker and cold turkey quitter I just had to add my two cents on this. I smoked three packs of unfiltered Camels per day while I was enjoying a one year vacation courtesy of Lyndon Johnson. (RVN for those of you who are not of my vintage). Quit almost 50 years ago after smoking for six years.
Smoking is smoking, nicotine is nicotine and very bad for you. The warning on the package is not there just to please the health fanatics. Inhaling any kind smoke is bad as in inhaling coal dust. Folks, you just want to inhale pure air.
E-cigarettes are just a way of circumventing the current laws on cigarettes. And why do you think that the flavored ones are so popular among the youth. So they will buy them and become addictive.
Go see a good doctor, get the patches, chew the gum. Do anything, have some will power. Don't blame it on others, you have to be strong for yourself.
As for switching from cigarettes to the "E" kind to stop. Just another way of killing yourself.
Sorry for the rant. But they are just bad things.
Now I am going to go out and have a shot of Woodford Reserve.