

somewhat competent
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Today, 04:09
Dec 9, 2009
Any 'vapers' in here? It's becoming extremely popular in america and I know a lot of people who have quit smoking because of these devices.
I'm still on the traditional smoke myself.....not looking ot change it any time soon
after vaping for over a year exclusively...what a difference. i tried to smoke a cigarette the other day and i physically could not inhale the smoke.

i can vape anywhere (minding societal constructs), i don't smell, my mouth tastes delicious, i dont hack shit up, there is no cigarette hangover after a night of heavy drinking or what have you.

it's much cheaper. you can make your own juice. you can build your own device to suit your needs. there is a massive online community.

you can save on health insurance in the states.

you get to live longer which can be nice for some people.

just dont mind the fear mongering by big tobacco. do your own research. it's perfectly safe if you use quality gear. there is still research to be done, but the overwhelming concensus from the scientific community is that it may not be perfectly safe, but it is clearly light years more safe than "analog" cigarettes.

oh and after a while you dont crave it at all and it just sort of becomes a hobby or something to do to relax. nicotine isn't addictive, it's the cocktail of deadly chemicals that is.
I smoked for 13 years straight, about a pack a day. March this year I got myself one of this ecigs so I could smoke indoors... I used it for 3 weeks during those weeks I just gradually quit smoking tobacco... after the 3 weeks I just bin the ecig and now I been 4 months without smoking... its like a f*** miracle, but its true...
I've tried switching exclusively to vape. It didn't work very well. I've been on Chantix now for over a month and cigarettes pretty much just disgust me, but I find that if I do get the rare craving, I pick up my old vape and I'm ok. I think most of it is probably mental at this point.
For those of you who vaping has not helped I suggest the following:

1. You were probably not introduced to vaping in the best way, and therefore Ill-advised.
2. You more than likely did not have the correct amount of nicotine for your smoking habits.
3. You did not have a handfull of flavors that you personally enjoy.

I will post a link to a website of a company that I know for a fact to be one of the best out there. This company will advise you and get you exactly what you need to stop smoking.

Thanks everyone for your comments. I have three friends who were heavy smokers who just quit both the real then quit the e-cigs. They had tried so many things before.
My Austrian wife is too hard headed to try them. She can't stop the real ones. It is frustrating. I am glad to see it working out well for the rest of you.

It appears to be curbing Teenage Smoking
however e-cigs use among teens tripled last year
tried using it but did not like it, but now i have stopped smoking for 2 years already
Coming up on 4 years for me. I was a heavy smoker. Started out with a high nicotine content and now vape the lowest. I love the fact that I can close my office door and vape away and no ones the wiser. Not to mention I can now smell things and my taste buds work again.

1. You were probably not introduced to vaping in the best way, and therefore Ill-advised.
2. You more than likely did not have the correct amount of nicotine for your smoking habits.
3. You did not have a handfull of flavors that you personally enjoy.
I would also add to this list that you didnt have the right PG\VG mix.

My personal favorite juice co is VapeWild.com. Tons of Flavors, usually receive my order within 2-3 days.

As far as the teen smoking rate, one thing that is often overlooked is that they are just cloud chasing and very often are using 0 nicotine.
I think these e-cigarettes are just for commercialism. It still contains nicotine and is harmful to health.
50 years ago the medical fraternity stated that smoking was good for you... now they are stating that Vaping is good for you...

Lets see in 50 years time what they say is good for you then after they declare that inhaling a cocktail of chemicals into your lungs from a vape kills people...
It didn't work for me. I went back smoking after a month of trying it and went cold turkey instead.
As a once heavy smoker and cold turkey quitter I just had to add my two cents on this. I smoked three packs of unfiltered Camels per day while I was enjoying a one year vacation courtesy of Lyndon Johnson. (RVN for those of you who are not of my vintage). Quit almost 50 years ago after smoking for six years.

Smoking is smoking, nicotine is nicotine and very bad for you. The warning on the package is not there just to please the health fanatics. Inhaling any kind smoke is bad as in inhaling coal dust. Folks, you just want to inhale pure air.

E-cigarettes are just a way of circumventing the current laws on cigarettes. And why do you think that the flavored ones are so popular among the youth. So they will buy them and become addictive.

Go see a good doctor, get the patches, chew the gum. Do anything, have some will power. Don't blame it on others, you have to be strong for yourself.

As for switching from cigarettes to the "E" kind to stop. Just another way of killing yourself.

Sorry for the rant. But they are just bad things.

Now I am going to go out and have a shot of Woodford Reserve.
As a once heavy smoker and cold turkey quitter I just had to add my two cents on this. I smoked three packs of unfiltered Camels per day while I was enjoying a one year vacation courtesy of Lyndon Johnson. (RVN for those of you who are not of my vintage). Quit almost 50 years ago after smoking for six years.

Smoking is smoking, nicotine is nicotine and very bad for you. The warning on the package is not there just to please the health fanatics. Inhaling any kind smoke is bad as in inhaling coal dust. Folks, you just want to inhale pure air.

E-cigarettes are just a way of circumventing the current laws on cigarettes. And why do you think that the flavored ones are so popular among the youth. So they will buy them and become addictive.

Go see a good doctor, get the patches, chew the gum. Do anything, have some will power. Don't blame it on others, you have to be strong for yourself.

As for switching from cigarettes to the "E" kind to stop. Just another way of killing yourself.

Sorry for the rant. But they are just bad things.

Now I am going to go out and have a shot of Woodford Reserve.

Well said.
50 years ago the medical fraternity stated that smoking was good for you.

Agh, good old days, I remember the Marlboro Man, a dead fit cowboy type. I used to smoke Marlboro, then went on to English fags like No.6, smoked them for years. I'm on Rothmans now although I do splash out on some non tipped like Senior Service every now and then. But at £12 ($14) ish for a pack of 20 it's not cheap.

Thank god I've got a good pension or I might have to cut down or even give up. Sometimes I pop over to Belgium on Eurostar to buy fags in bulk, much cheaper there.

Agh, good old days, I remember the Marlboro Man, a dead fit cowboy type. I used to smoke Marlboro, then went on to English fags like No.6, smoked them for years. I'm on Rothmans now although I do splash out on some non tipped like Senior Service every now and then. But at £12 ($14) ish for a pack of 20 it's not cheap.

Thank god I've got a good pension or I might have to cut down or even give up. Sometimes I pop over to Belgium on Eurostar to buy fags in bulk, much cheaper there.


Hopefully they won't kill you they way they did my father.

He spent six months gasping for air due to his inoperable lung cancer, then one night drowned in his own blood.

I've had two grandparents die of lung cancer as well, both, like my father, life-long smokers. Possibly three, but I was young enough when the other died that all I was told was that he was sick. He was also a smoker, though.
I don't think there's any debate that putting ANYTHING in your lungs not meant to be there is harmful. The question really revolves around HOW harmful is vaping? Is it less harmful than smoking? Theories tend to point to yes, but there hasn't been enough long-term studies on the health impacts of long-term vaping.

I quit smoking last year by switching to nicotine pouches named Zyn. They contain no tobacco, so no tar or other cancerous chemicals. They are filled with a nicotine salt. You use them similar to Snus. I was able to stop smoking pretty much cold turkey and haven't breathed better.
I have seen several things on TV and on the web about how some makers of e-cigarettes are admitting that their product also contains nicotine. And in fact, at least as much as a real cigarette in some (not all) cases. Big tobacco still wants your money and doesn't care about your lungs.
I prefer vaping to smoking, and most of my friends have switched to vapes yet. Sure, it’s the same nicotine in another form, but I see less harm in vaping as compared regular cigarettes. Also, there is no such annoying smell from my clothes anymore. I like to change flavors, fruit mixes from Migvapor are my favorite. I don’t miss the cigarettes.
Some people report the use of CBD helps with addiction from tobacco to Opioids.

Vaping CBD is also popular, but for different reasons.
Most CBD taken orally uses a fatty oil such as coconut oil. Test show that about 35% gets into the bloodstream. It can enter within 10 minutes.
For Vaping, the vapes enter the lungs with capillaries where around 85% enters the bloodstream. It can enter in about 1 minute.
For people with pain or people reducing addiction, the cost effectiveness of vaping is better.

There is another form of nano-encapsulation, a patent used for many pharmacist drugs. One company licensed it for CBD isolate. The CBD is pharma quality and processed with the nano-encapsulation for delivery orally into the human blood stream. It included testing that shows around 96% absorption in under 2 minutes.
This is a project for me to add exact doses into high-quality honey in small packages. These will be available for tea, coffee, or direct.

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