Email from Contact List Folder


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:14
Aug 27, 2004
I received an interesting request today and was hoping someone here could help. Using Outlook here one of the managers set up a Contact List folder under our public folders to store vendor contacts. These will be used as faxes instead of e-mail though. We are using RightFax, of which I have very little knowledge, and it is linked to Outlook. This was we can type up a normal e-mail and send it, using those contacts, as a fax.

I thought I could just use the send command to run this but it will not recognize anyone outside of our Global Address List. Is there a way to force the sendobject to check against this contact folder instead?

I tried using the print function to call RightFax but the manager wants this automated and not to have the user type in the fax number manually. I do not think I can pass the number to RightFax via code.

Thanks in advance! :)
Hi there Brian,

Yes you can send faxes directly through VBA to RighFax, just have a look at this thread (I'll do the same for our department, never thought about it before, but it'll definately save time - thanks for the good idea Brian!

Worked great! Thanks for the help Philo! This was even better than trying to use an Exchange folder as we have a table that contains the vendor's info, including fax.

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