Solved Equation: If it isn't an error and it isn't Null yet it has no value, what is it?

I'm going to ask a dumb question, but in a quick scan of this thread, I am not sure.

What is the name of the actual subform and what is the name of the subform control? It is possible that both the form and the control have the same name - which would be bad, exactly because of problems like this.

This syntax:


is correct if and only if frmOrderAddEquip is the name of the control. In post #6 you SEEM to suggest that frmOrderAddEquip is a child form, which - if true - is part of the problem.
So .Form. only comes after a control? As i honestly have no clue, i've just been sticking it in here and there and alternating whether or not i include it by if the compiler or runtime complain!
I don't think IsError() does what you think it does.
Well, i have put the initial verbiage into an image so we can see if that helps: Edit: I had to delete the link you had in your post that was copied over to my response...

No, that didn't. I will try deleting part of that which you wrote...

Screenshot 2024-11-20 171748.png

Private Sub AmountCharged_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
'If IDContractType = 4 (Cash Equivalent), then make an entry into tblTransaction for the amount
'tblOrder-IDPaymentMethod Cash Equivalent would be 1,2,3. Internal = 4 and >=5 are all funders
Dim lCustomer As Long
Dim dtDate As Date
Dim lType As Long
Dim dPmtDebit As Double
Dim dPmtCredit As Double
Dim dTaxDebit As Double
Dim dTaxCredit As Double
Dim sNotes As String
Dim dtNow As Date
Dim dTaxRate As Double
Dim sForm As String

     With Forms!frmCustomerOverview!frmOrder.Form
          lCustomer = .IDCustomer
          dtDate = Date
          'lType = depends on Select Case
          dPmtDebit = .AmountCharged
          dPmtCredit = 0
          dTaxCredit = 0
          sNotes = "Created from ORDER INFORMATION form"
          dtNow = Format(Now(), "mm/dd/yyyy  hh:mm:ss")
     End With
     dTaxRate = Nz(DLookup("TaxRate", "tblOrder", "IDOrder = " & IDOrder), -1)
     '    If no taxRate then
     If dTaxRate = -1 Then
          MsgBox "Tax Rate not found. You will now be directed to means to look it up and enter it for the future!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Are you not excited???"
          Call TaxRateEntry(Zip, IDOrder, IDCustomer)
          dTaxRate = dPubTaxRate
     End If

Nope, that wasn't successful. Let's see what happens if i mess with the initial wording-


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And now i am honored to be able to thank everyone!

Properly placing the portion (too many words starting with a "p") of Form.Recordset.RecordCount in the Load event of the Parent form returns a viable value (with modification, actually for two subforms present) that gave me a working solution!!!
Well Hi there The_Doc_Man! Do you do this 24/7???
Parent: frmOrderCreate
Child: frmOrderAddEquip
Control (textbox that relies upon a record): GrossEquipmentCost
other control in child form being used to test: EquipmentRowCount
That last one should be renamed EquipmentRecordCount
(It's only since Access that i have not been including control identifiers in their names, as with years in Excel if it were a textbox i would always start the naming with tb as in tbEquipmentRecordCount, or a combobox was cbx, a checkbox was chb... I am trying to define the advantages of either style)

24/7? No, I just have windows of opportunity at irregular intervals, usually in between gaming sessions. And, lately, construction contractor visits for estimates for fence repair.

In the syntax you initially demonstrated, frmOrderAddEquip is wrong. You originally showed us...

GECo = Forms!frmOrderCreate!frmOrderAddEquip.Form.GrossEquipmentCost

Follow me on this, reading right to left: You are asking for the .Value (implied because it is the default property) ...
currently in control GrossEquipmentCost ...
found on whatever is the Form (the name of which does NOT enter into this discussion) ...
loaded into the control frmOrderAddEquip ... <============
that is found in frmOrderCreate ...
that is found as a member of the Forms collection.

The problem is simple: frmOrderAddEquip is NOT a control, it is the name of a form. But an object of that name doesn't appear among the controls that ARE found in form frmOrderCreate. That syntax misuses that control object, hence the error 428 (Object doesn't support...). One problem with Access is that its error messages sometimes become a bit narrow-minded. Which error you get will change from one expression to the next depending on exactly how the expression is evaluated in that context.

In cases where you offered that expression as an argument to a function, what happens is that the expression flags an error - but in the function cases, the error is signaled AND HANDLED in the context of the function. Which changes the error originally signaled to "the function's actual argument was, in effect, empty".
But you're not testing the same thing:
Thank you, i apologize for my lack of clarity! I try both ways when i run into any error, omitting .Form. and putting it in. I am absolutely clueless as to when it is proper to use it other than if either including it or omitting it solves a problem. I know that is pretty lame, but i am not sure how to look up the term ".Form." due to getting back masses of how to create a form and the like citations...
Thank you, i apologize for my lack of clarity! I try both ways when i run into any error, omitting .Form. and putting it in. I am absolutely clueless as to when it is proper to use it other than if either including it or omitting it solves a problem. I know that is pretty lame, but i am not sure how to look up the term ".Form." due to getting back masses of how to create a form and the like citations...
OK, I think Doc was trying to explain, but I'll have a go too.

When you add a subform to a form you are actually adding a subform control which is a container that has a SourceObject property. The SourceObject is the actual form you use as the subform.

Depending on how you add the subform to your main form, the subform control may or may not be named the same as the form used as its SourceObject. (ie if you use the wizard or if you just add a subform control manually from the controls menu)

This is important.

It is important because, to reference a subform in VBA from the main form, you must use the name of the subform control, not the name of the form used as its SourceObject (unless it is the same by coincidence). Additionally you are referencing the subform control's .Form property.

As an example:
You have main form named frmMain.

You have created another form that you want to use as a subform on frmMain and have named it frmSub.

1. With frmMain in design view you use the Wizard to add the subform - it creates a subform control called frmSub and its SourceObject is set to use frmSub (confusing!)

2. If, instead, you add a subform from the Controls menus (click the subform button and drag the area on frmMain where you want it to be) you will have just created an empty subform control with a generic name like Child0. You then manually set its SourceObject to frmSub and enter its LinkMasterFields and LinkChildFields properties.

frmSub has a textbox on it called txtName. You want to reference this in VBA from outside frmSub's own module.

For the example 1 above you would use:
For example 2 it would be:

In both instances you are referencing the name of the subform control, and in both instances you must reference its .Form property to access the controls on the subform.

Personally I find it easier to give the subform control a name different from the form used as its SourceObject - that way I avoid confusion as to which object I am referring to.

Others prefer it when they are name the same. However, whichever path you go down, you must remember to reference the name of the subform control and access the subform's controls/properties via the subform control's .Form property.

To find out a subform control's name you must click the very edge of it in frmMain's design view, or drag your mouse pointer from outside the control over its edge and then release. Its name should show up in the control properties box. The little black square at the top left of the contained form should not be visible - if it is, then you have selected the actual form (frmSub) and not the subform control.

As always, re-reading these long explanations seems more confusing than helpful, but hopefully you'll get it and stop having to randomly try various combinations when referencing subforms and their controls!
I tested this issue. Subform does not have any records. Code in main form Load event reference to subform Count() textbox returns 0, reference to bound control returns Null.
Depends on the subform properties. There are cases that by returning no records you will definitely get this error. See demo.
Select Get product id when form first opens (no records) or select orderid 9999 from pull down to filter out records. All other orderid return records and do not error.


Uhg. Thank you, once again, "Doc", cheekybuddah, and Yes SIr Glasman!

I am starting to get a feel for the model you are describing (i model things in my head to try to understand structure, order and how to manipulate, but i could do so a lot better when i was younger). I am going to read everything over more times tomorrow and work with some parent and child forms specifically to try and get a good grasp on this. Oh, and Gasman - Thanks, you too!

Edit: I actually wrote this last nite and forgot to hit the "Send" button, so i can now include my thanks to MajP! At least you now see a verifiable instance of my leaky memory... It's good to be on the top side of the soil for my daughters, but i gotta say the loss of some mental acuity, teeth, sharpness of vision, back aches, and another area that doesn't work right any more, takes some acceptance-
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So searching this forum for other 2427 errors, here is another example exactly as I describe
Trying to reference a value on a subform where the subform returns no records and allow additions set to false.

Here is another example without a subform, but same idea. Trying to reference a control value with no records in the form.
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@The_Doc_Man, CheekyBuddha and Gasman: OK, i finally got to taking a look at the ".Form." confusion i had, and man, do i feel stupid. Thank you very much to directing me to have a look at what the construct was. When i clicked on the container border or the actual form corner, plain as day was the biggest clue in front of me at the top of the properties window, but i never thought once to consider the difference.

Many Thanks for your continued assistance and a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

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