Error with Linked Table


Bass Playin' Biker Chick
Local time
Yesterday, 21:13
Oct 2, 2002
I keep getting this error whenever a particular table is linked (including after splitting the database):

'|' is not a valid name. Make sure that it does not include invalid characters or punctuation and that it is not too long.

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what is going on with this. :mad:
There isn't a problem with the name; I can even change it and still get the same msg. I can't delete the table, can't write queries off of it, nothing.
It's maddeningly frustrating. When the table isn't linked, everything is fine.

Anybody experienced this? Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for your help.
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and yet, i can't find anything wrong with it. and access fails to fix it when i try to repair and compact. just kicks out the error and logs it into an error table. meh.
There is probably some data that is corrupt which is causing the problem. Compact and Repair doesn't necessarily fix all corruption. But since you have done Compact and Repair, try going into the table and scrolling down the records and see if you find any which have a blank primary key. Many times when you have a corrupt record and you run compact and repair it will then strip the primary key field of its data and then you can find the record and delete it. That is, if you have a primary key defined for that table (which I'm hoping you do).
i already removed all the data in it, so there isn't anything to be corrupt. it's still a work in process, so it didn't have any "real" info in it yet. No probs with the primary key field.
i did have the issues when it had data in it, so i get it both ways.
i'm about ready to trash the whole thing and start over anyway.
i already removed all the data in it, so there isn't anything to be corrupt. it's still a work in process, so it didn't have any "real" info in it yet. No probs with the primary key field.
i did have the issues when it had data in it, so i get it both ways.
i'm about ready to trash the whole thing and start over anyway.

Any special characters or spaces in the field names?

no special characters, and not the only table I have with an underscore. the others work fine. Nothing special in the field names, and no spaces.
Have you tried creating a copy of that table and linking to the copy?

If that doesn't work, then try exporting the table to a new database shell, then import that same table back into your db and link to that.
Neither suggestion worked, but it definitely has something to do with the links. i had no error messages or misbehavior when it was sitting in the db that i was working in; only with it linked.
obviously, i'm going to have to find a way to keep it local. crazy.
thanks for all your help! i appreciate you both taking the time.
Neither suggestion worked, but it definitely has something to do with the links. i had no error messages or misbehavior when it was sitting in the db that i was working in; only with it linked.
obviously, i'm going to have to find a way to keep it local. crazy.
thanks for all your help! i appreciate you both taking the time.

Any chance of getting a copy of the backend with that table (empty is fine and if you need a quick way to empty a copy you can use my free database reset tool which is down the page here)?

I'd be interested if we can figure it out.
i would love to, but it has some company-sensitive information in it... If i get a chance tomorrow to make a copy and empty it out, I'll send it to you. i'm on my way out the door right now. thanks for your help!!

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