Excel - how to update/refresh cells when minor change made to a string value in a VBA function (3 Viewers)


Need a good one-liner.
Local time
Today, 14:23
Oct 20, 2008
I'm working on an Excel sheet, have created many functions that return strings to the cell(s). After applying all the VBA functions to the cells (1,000's), if I make a slight change to a string within a VBA function that obviously changes the return string to the cell, how can I automatically refresh/update all the cells?

Clicking the 'Calculate Now' or 'Calculate Sheet' buttons does not work for VBA functions.

My work-around so far is to re-enter the functions, and dragging them down the rows, surely there is an easier way.

Is there an easier way?
Can you post here a 'before' and 'after' of a VBA function that you change so we can understand exactly what you mean, and also an example of a cell formula containing the function.

I ask because it's hard to imagine why you would need to update the cell references at all - you'd think a change within the function would update the cell values automatically
In a cell I have the following: It's a simple example.

=WriteExhibit(A5, A6, A7)

Function WriteExhibit(strDoc as string, datDate as Date, strRequestedBy as string) as string
   Dim strReturn as string
   strReturn = "The following document is: " & strDoc & " created on " & datDate & " and requested by " & strRequestedBy
   WriteExhibit = strReturn

End Function
The function works as intended. I apply it to 100's of rows, all correct.

So when I modify the function by changing a hardcoded part of the string from:
strReturn = "The following document is: " & ........
strReturn = "The next document is: & ........

The cells are not updated.
Just a thought... are you perhaps changing only the code and not triggering any change on the worksheet?

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