Update a cell ref to get different year data from pivot tables


Local time
Today, 09:11
Jan 29, 2020
so i am looking for a quicker way to update some excel workbooks. I have the data in pivots and use the following to bring the data into the workbook required, each year i have to update each cell to bring in the new years results it takes hours to do and its mind numbing too

=IFERROR(GETPIVOTDATA("Appointments",'Booked Pivot'!$A$5,"Appointments","SETTA","WeekNo",1723),"0")

=IFERROR(GETPIVOTDATA("Appointments",'Booked Pivot'!$A$5,"Appointments","SETTA","WeekNo",1724),"0")

week numbers are always the same 1 - 52 but need to change the year which is the highlighted number in black. any ideas on how to change in bulk? Please :)
Providing you are doing it in the next year, ie this year, then you could use

TEXT(TODAY(),"YY") for the last 2 digits of the year.
currently using find and replace

"WeekNo",3123 to "WeekNo",3124
=IFERROR(GETPIVOTDATA("Appointments",'Booked Pivot'!$A$5,"Appointments","SETTA","WeekNo","17" & TEXT(TODAY(),"YY")),"0")

Does the 1724 have to be numeric?
You could also refer to a single cell in the workbook, so if you open 23 this year, it still shows as 23 ?

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