Hi,Thank you arnelgp
Where are you saving the exchange rate?
I am still getting the same error in the code when I open you DB
Type mismatch
Still struggling with this code
Hi,Thank you arnelgp
Where are you saving the exchange rate?
I am still getting the same error in the code when I open you DB
Type mismatch
Thank you arnelgpi don't think you need CurrencyFrom and CurrencyTo fields.
StrToDbl = CDbl(sRet)
sorry i cannot re-produced that error.I am still struggling with the error as mention in a previous post
I get the same error when I open the DB you sent me as wellsorry i cannot re-produced that error.
Well, as no one else appears to have the error , set a breakpoint at the start of where the code gets executed and walk though it LINE BY LINE until you get the error. Then report back the line the error happens (with the code) on and the contents/type of the data in that line.Hi Arnelgp,
I am still struggling with the error as mention in a previous post
Could you please advise what I should be looking out for?
I did the breakpoint as advisedWell, as no one else appears to have the error , set a breakpoint at the start of where the code gets executed and walk though it LINE BY LINE until you get the error. Then report back the line the error happens (with the code) on and the contents/type of the data in that line.
StrToDbl = CDbl(sRet)
Public Function StrToDbl(ByVal s As String) As Double
Const Keys As String = ",.0123456789"
Dim sRet As String, char As String
Dim i As Long, ln As Long
ln = Len(s)
For i = ln To 1 Step -1
char = Mid$(s, i, 1)
If InStr(1, Keys, char) <> 0 Then
If char <> "," Then
sRet = char & sRet
End If
Exit For
End If
StrToDbl = CDbl(sRet)
End Function
Public Function StrToDbl(ByVal s As String) As Double
Const Keys As String = ",.0123456789"
Dim sRet As String, char As String
Dim i As Long, ln As Long
ln = Len(s)
For i = ln To 1 Step -1
char = Mid$(s, i, 1)
If InStr(1, Keys, char) <> 0 Then
If char <> "," Then
sRet = char & sRet
End If
Exit For
End If
StrToDbl = CDbl(sRet)
End Function
? strtodbl("23.75")
Debug.Print sRet gives me a value of 216.502297Do you not indent your code?
Code:Public Function StrToDbl(ByVal s As String) As Double Const Keys As String = ",.0123456789" Dim sRet As String, char As String Dim i As Long, ln As Long ln = Len(s) For i = ln To 1 Step -1 char = Mid$(s, i, 1) If InStr(1, Keys, char) <> 0 Then If char <> "," Then sRet = char & sRet End If Else Exit For End If Next StrToDbl = CDbl(sRet) End Function
You are passing a string to it are you not?
What is the value of sRet on that line?Code:? strtodbl("23.75") 23.75
Hover over the variable name with the cursor and it will show you the value.
And what is the string you are passing to it?
Show how you are calling that function.
Private Sub Product_AfterUpdate()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Update Transaction - Procurement - Temp - Currency"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Update Transaction - Procurement - Temp - UOM"
Me.Mass.Enabled = Me.MassRequired
Me.Mass.TabStop = Me.MassRequired
DoCmd.GoToControl "Qty"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Dim value As Currency
If Not IsDate(Me.[Transaction Date]) Then
MsgBox "Please enter a valid date!"
Exit Sub
End If
Call fncUpdateFields
End Sub
Public Function fncUpdateFields()
Me.Parent!txtDate = Me![Transaction Date]
Me.Parent!txtExchange = ToUGX(Me.Parent!txtDate, Me.Parent!Currency)
Me![Exchange Rate] = Me.Parent!txtExchange
Me![Currency] = Me.Parent![Currency]
End Function
I am using the code in post 22So where in that code are you using that function???
You are showing output in the immediate window, but not how it is output.
Hover over sret on that line and tell us EXACTLY what is shown!!!
Option Explicit
' arnelgp
' for gismo
Public Function GBP2Uganda(ByVal ExchangeDate As Variant) As Currency
Const TEXT_SOUGHT_FOR1 As String = "<td class=""tableCell""><a href=""currency/ugx/"">Ugandan shilling</a></td>"
Const TEXT_SOUGHT_FOR2 As String = "<td class=""tableCell"" align=""right"">"
Dim oXML As Object
Dim URL As String, the_file As String, ISODate As String
Dim strData As String, n As Long, xchng As Currency
' check if there is a valid date passed
If IsDate(ExchangeDate) = False Then
Exit Function
End If
ISODate = Format$(ExchangeDate, "yyyy-mm-dd")
URL = "http://www.floatrates.com/historical-exchange-rates.html?currency_date=" & ISODate & "&base_currency_code=GBP&format_type=html"
Set oXML = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
With oXML
'.Open "GET", "http://www.floatrates.com/daily/usd.xml"
.Open "GET", URL
.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"
'Debug.Print .responsetext
'Exit Sub
Do While .ReadyState <> 4
'Debug.Print .ReadyState
strData = .responsetext
End With
Set oXML = Nothing
' find this value from strData:
' <td class="tableCell"><a href="currency/ugx/">Ugandan shilling</a></td>
n = InStr(1, strData, TEXT_SOUGHT_FOR1)
'Debug.Print n
If (n <> 0) Then
' find the exchange rate
n = InStr(n, strData, TEXT_SOUGHT_FOR2)
If (n <> 0) Then
strData = Trim$(Mid$(strData, n + Len(TEXT_SOUGHT_FOR2)))
n = InStr(1, strData, "</td>")
If (n <> 0) Then
xchng = CCur(Left$(strData, n - 1))
End If
End If
End If
strData = vbNullString
'Debug.Print xchng
GBP2Uganda = xchng
End Function
Public Function ToUGX(ByVal ExchangeDate As Variant, ByVal CurrencyCode) As Double
Const TEXT_FIND As String = "<td class=""tableCell""><a href=""currency/@1/"">@2</a></td>"
Const TEXT_SOUGHT_FOR2 As String = "<td class=""tableCell"" align=""right"">"
Dim oXML As Object
Dim URL As String, the_file As String, ISODate As String
Dim strData As String, n As Long, xchng As Double
Dim TEXT_SOUGHT_FOR1 As String, sCurrencyDescription As String
TEXT_SOUGHT_FOR1 = Replace$(Replace$(TEXT_FIND, "@1", CurrencyCode), "@2", _
DLookup("Description", "Location_Currency", "Currency = '" & CurrencyCode & "'"))
' check if there is a valid date passed
If IsDate(ExchangeDate) = False Then
Exit Function
End If
ISODate = Format$(ExchangeDate, "yyyy-mm-dd")
URL = "http://www.floatrates.com/historical-exchange-rates.html?currency_date=" & ISODate & "&base_currency_code=UGX&format_type=html"
Set oXML = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
With oXML
'.Open "GET", "http://www.floatrates.com/daily/usd.xml"
.Open "GET", URL
.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"
'Debug.Print .responsetext
'Exit Sub
Do While .ReadyState <> 4
'Debug.Print .ReadyState
strData = .responsetext
End With
Set oXML = Nothing
'WriteToText Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\xchange.txt", strData
'Exit Function
' find this value from strData:
' <td class="tableCell"><a href="currency/ugx/">Ugandan shilling</a></td>
n = InStr(1, strData, TEXT_SOUGHT_FOR1)
'Debug.Print n
If (n <> 0) Then
' find the exchange rate
n = InStr(n, strData, TEXT_SOUGHT_FOR2)
If (n <> 0) Then
strData = Trim$(Mid$(strData, n + Len(TEXT_SOUGHT_FOR2)))
n = InStr(1, strData, "</td>")
If (n <> 0) Then
' get the second instance
n = InStr(n, strData, TEXT_SOUGHT_FOR2)
strData = Trim$(Mid$(strData, n + Len(TEXT_SOUGHT_FOR2)))
n = InStr(1, strData, "</td>")
xchng = StrToDbl(Left$(strData, n - 1))
End If
End If
End If
strData = vbNullString
'Debug.Print xchng
ToUGX = xchng
End Function
Public Sub WriteToText(ByVal spath As String, ByVal the_content As String)
Open spath For Output As #1
Print #1, the_content
Close #1
End Sub
Public Function StrToDbl(ByVal s As String) As Double
Const Keys As String = ",.0123456789"
Dim sRet As String, char As String
Dim i As Long, ln As Long
ln = Len(s)
For i = ln To 1 Step -1
char = Mid$(s, i, 1)
If InStr(1, Keys, char) <> 0 Then
If char <> "," Then
sRet = char & sRet
End If
Exit For
End If
Debug.Print sRet
StrToDbl = CDbl(sRet)
End Function
The form has no valeSo one minute you post a value from sret, now you say you do not get any value?
You still have not shown how you are calling it or what value is passed.
Have looked to see what strdata is?, either before you pass it, or as soon as it enters that function.
Look at the debbuging link in my signature and watch a few of the videos.
I am out of this for the rest of the night.
Private Sub Product_AfterUpdate()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Update Transaction - Procurement - Temp - Currency"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Update Transaction - Procurement - Temp - UOM"
Me.Mass.Enabled = Me.MassRequired
Me.Mass.TabStop = Me.MassRequired
DoCmd.GoToControl "Qty"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Dim value As Currency
If Not IsDate(Me.[Transaction Date]) Then
MsgBox "Please enter a valid date!"
Exit Sub
End If
Call fncUpdateFields
End Sub
Thank you for your assistanceI am going to leave this to @arnelgp as it is his code and he knows how it all fits together.
You are not able to carry out simple debug tasks, and as you do not know what the code does, makes it hard to debug from afar.
You also seem incapable of indenting your code, which makes the task even harder. I am sure arnel never gave you code indented like that?
I was trying trying to go through the steps I would take to get to the bottom of the problem, but that proves to be extremely difficult with you. so I will bow out now. Sorry.
I suspect the problem is that the currency conversion code you are using is always applying the dot as decimal separator (in strings) while your local decimal separator is a comma.Debug.Print sRet gives me a value of 216.502297