export individual pdfs

Honestly, I don't know. I don't understand it enough to really get the nitty gritty. I've recently been running this code in Vista Business in Access xp (02) on an '00 file and it's been working great. As long as I make sure the PDF Creator print monitor isn't already running when I start the code it works great. It can take a while if I spool a bunch of reports to it to be combined. I can open up PDF Creator and watch the %done count in the lower left-hand corner to assure myself it hasn't hung. I'm reluctant to deploy this solution in my application beastie because I don't fully understand the issues and I haven't been able to fully control it. I tried making a utility to open and close PDF Creator before I started, but that was buggy, too. I know there's an "open source" "version?" of PDF Creator and I'm wondering if that means I can somehow really integrate it with my application so my users won't have to install PDFCreator separately - and wondering if so, if I can figure out how to make it so. Still, it might not resolve the problems PDF Creator has with Vista. I'm having trouble getting my old laptop setup running XP and runtime 2003 to use as a "test bed" for my setup, so I can't test it that way either. Not yet. I'm sorry I can't be more help.
re: pdf creator

Just get this program : PDF Creating v2.0


PDF Creator: create PDF documents easily


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