Export table to website.


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 03:12
Jul 25, 2011
During covid-19 lock down (Victoria Australia, another 9 days to go:) I thought I would upgrade my MS Access skills. My project is one where I am trying to link/export MS Access tables to webhosting and display on website. I have the MS Access tables and website figured, what I need is some help on getting tables from MS Access to my hosting and back again. The YouTube listings seem out of date 2017.
My question can you help me to get tables from MS Access to my hosting and back again? My requirements are quite simple and I do not think I need SQL.
Any help would be appreciated.
If you are using Word Press then I recommend May May's plugin which I use here:-

I tried various local database solutions in the past, including access. And i would absolutely not recommend it, because it scales badly.
If scaling is not a problem for you, and you are the only user, kindly ignore this post.

For your task i would setup an sql server on your webspace and connect your access to it.
Most webspaces have build in MySQL Server solutions so it is usually really fast to set one up.

I know access acts similar to a sqlite server, so you can in theory use it as a direct datasource, but depending on how many users your website has i would highly recommend to use a MySQL Server.
It allows parallel processing and is much faster in terms of lookup and write speed!

On average you have 4 seconds for your website to load, before the user leaves. If your website slows down because of your datasource that is something you could have avoided.
I tried various local database solutions in the past, including access. And i would absolutely not recommend it, because it scales badly.
You were NOT using "Access". You were using Jet or ACE. Access is a RAD tool used to create applications. Jet and ACE are the desktop database engines that people confuse with Access and you are correct, they do not scale well because they are specifically for use on the desktop and limited in size to 2G. Access, however, scales marvelously when linked to SQL Server or other RDBMS. Your limit now becomes the number of SQL Server seat licenses you own.

How you get your data to the website is up to the hosting company. As someone already mentioned, FTP might be the option. When I last did this, not only did I have to use FTP, but I also had to wait for THEM to load the data. I could not load the database directly.
Just an update.
I have found a simple solution to this issue, please read Post

Onedrive/Google drive Hosting​

Just an update.
I have found a simple solution to this issue, please read Post

Onedrive/Google drive Hosting​

Great! I used something similar in the past too. Be carefull though, in my experience, OneDrive does cause some issues if you edit the database on both sides at the same time, because then he can not merge them correctly.
The thing to remember is that OneDrive and other types of remote file hosting were originally designed for "whole-file" sharing via downloads. In this situation, SOMEONE has to be the traffic cop because otherwise you will run into what is called "destructive interference." In common English, "the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing." If user A and user B both make copies of the file and A writes it back, B will overwrite (and thus erase) A's changes if B is just two seconds slower in clicking the upload button.
Your original question was about uploading data from access to a website. The answer to that depends on the hosting company. They will give you instructions. You now seem to have switched to sharing via the cloud. As Doc already said, this is a really, really dangerous idea. You will almost certainly loose data once people start using the app.

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