FE + BE safe ?

I had a guy who was borderline-bothersome to me once as he did like to mess around with my programs and such, but eventually recognized that he was just passionately wanting to learn and had a genuine interest in going that direction, so I decided to keep him close rather than yelling at him about it. Because he warmed to that a lot he heeded my cautions rather than playing around "unsupervised"
Hi at all,

I would like to know your opinion about how much safe is my FE + BE.
I try to explain:

With this forum's help, I've removed the shifkey at startup at my FE. (when Fe opens, It has a login form with password)
BE has a password I've setted in Access main options.
I've set also a password into VBA module.
If login is correct, there’s a vba code that check if file xxx is present into a determinate folder, if there isn’t that file the applications ends.

How much safe is my FE + BE ?

Some other thing to do to make them more safe?
Your setup adds some protection, but Access security is weak against experienced users. Disabling Shift key helps, but it can be re-enabled. Password-protecting the backend and VBA module adds layers, but both can be bypassed.

To improve security, convert the frontend to ACCDE, move the backend to SQL Server, and use Windows authentication instead of Access-stored passwords. If keeping Access, enable encryption, hide the backend file, and restrict macros/design access.

Your setup works for casual users, but for real security, switch to a more robust database like SQL Server.

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