fetching multiple data from other file/sheet

ok yes even that part has hot a small error in the formula SUBSTITUTE, where they use , insted ;
May be an easy thing for excel expert but not for someone wh need tutorial to learn :)

Anyway, ,i am happy a learn a very nice and useful task. Thanks!
How do you think i could add those things in the forum for this kind of task?
i need to go more complex
the item in the 2 lists, main and dependent are in this frm
000001 description
0000002 description
and so on
What i need in both list, when choosing data, is the possibility to see the description but actually store only the number
Now it is stored the whoòe string...00001 description
How that can be done?
Upload your workbook, as I would need to experiment and I am not gong to create a workbook just for that.
Have you actually read that link carefully?
Here is tells you how if you have multi word values in the dropdown.
You might need a Helper column for the actual value you wish to enter? That could then be a VLOOKUP().
Have you actually read that link carefully?
Here is tells you how if you have multi word values in the dropdown.
You might need a Helper column for the actual value you wish to enter? That could then be a VLOOKUP().
I never have that link, i refer to your google search link and i have used other link. I have already used the multi word value, but it is not the same of what i have explained before., if i understood well. Helper and vlookup may be is different.thing which i have to explore yet. I ll prepare a workbook for the pourpose and post it later
Here itr is wht i have to know
The data sources ar ein tje 2nd sheet, the first 2 columns are the original datas source both for main and dependant list.
In the column d are the data i use for the dorpdown.these are the main
In columns f and on are the data i use for the dependencies
You see they both have a part of text and a part of number
When i go to the DATA ENTRY sheet i want to be able to read the text but is the number to be stored
I suppose i need to separate text and number in the data sources lists?


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I do not see any dropdowns in that workbook? :(

Get something working first, then tailor that (if possible) to get what you want.

In Access this would be so easy. :(

Edit: Have you tried sownloading the samples, studying them and the notes, then amending for your values?
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th excel file work fine, you need to go to data entry sheet and in E2and F2 you'll find a dropdown menu
Meanwhile i made a step ahead, if i select the description in the mainlist, i can get in another cell with the vlookup the number associated. I don't know how it will be with the dependend list (i think just the same though) ..but a part of this, i woul dlike not to have at all the description cell. I want to see the description in the dropdown, but store the number in the same cell

Access, yes it is true,can be much simpler (not for me that i need to get into access again) but i did nto go that way for 1 main reason
You see that file, there are lots of record in the first sheet:they come from the monthly bank report
So i have from the bank an excel with all the operation, incoming and outgoing. I need to filter the outgoing movement from this file and load it into access. With excel with copy paste in a sheet for each month seems easy for any "stupid" operator
With Access there will be an import procedure, instead...and that worry me
What do you think?
Will be this import "stupid operator" proof and then go through the access way?
I am not sure how you are going to just have the numeric part from the cell value.
Possibly some VBA might be needed, but not sure what TBH.

As good as the people here are, Excel is their second language I believe, they are Access experts for sure.
TBH again, I have just been asking another of my Excel questions at Mr Excel
They are the sort of opposite to this site. They know Excel inside out, but they also know Access, but I would say not to the same degree as here?
They might be able to suggest how you get the numerics?

Be sure to explain your issue extensively if you expect to get help, and also refer to this thread. They do not like crossposters over there. In fact their rules on that is the one always referrred to for crossposting. :)
see this is the file from the bank
the first sheet contain all
the second sheet has been filtered, and they are all "negative"(outgoing" movement. Beside each of the movemente i need to assign those code/description


th excel file work fine, you need to go to data entry sheet and in E2and F2 you'll find a dropdown menu
Meanwhile i made a step ahead, if i select the description in the mainlist, i can get in another cell with the vlookup the number associated. I don't know how it will be with the dependend list (i think just the same though) ..but a part of this, i woul dlike not to have at all the description cell. I want to see the description in the dropdown, but store the number in the same cell

Access, yes it is true,can be much simpler (not for me that i need to get into access again) but i did nto go that way for 1 main reason
You see that file, there are lots of record in the first sheet:they come from the monthly bank report
So i have from the bank an excel with all the operation, incoming and outgoing. I need to filter the outgoing movement from this file and load it into access. With excel with copy paste in a sheet for each month seems easy for any "stupid" operator
With Access there will be an import procedure, instead...and that worry me
What do you think?
Will be this import "stupid operator" proof and then go through the access way?
You can refer to excel sheets from within access as if they were a table.
You have come this far, so I would suggest you try and see if you can get some advice over on that other forum I mentioned,
They recently helped me with a combo that would exclude certain rows, depending on a value in a column, basically I wanted to keep all passnger names, just not have them in the dropdown, if they passed away or moved away from our help area.
I am not sure how you are going to just have the numeric part from the cell value.
Possibly some VBA might be needed, but not sure what TBH.

As good as the people here are, Excel is their second language I believe, they are Access experts for sure.
TBH again, I have just been asking another of my Excel questions at Mr Excel
They are the sort of opposite to this site. They know Excel inside out, but they also know Access, but I would say not to the same degree as here?
They might be able to suggest how you get the numerics?

Be sure to explain your issue extensively if you expect to get help, and also refer to this thread. They do not like crossposters over there. In fact their rules on that is the one always referrred to for crossposting. :)
i have to split what is in one cell number+description in 2 cell one for number one for decription. i use the description for the dropdown, and with vlookup i get the number associated. It is very easy task like that...but if only want to see the code i really don't know
i have to split what is in one cell number+description in 2 cell one for number one for decription. i use the description for the dropdown, and with vlookup i get the number associated. It is very easy task like that...but if only want to see the code i really don't know
The language difference is difficult. :(
If you have solved your initial query then please post the solution.
It is easy enough to split the numbers and the text, but what do you do with it after that?

You are now asking about using an Access solution, so what is it going to be? :(

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