Filtering help! 07'


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:57
Mar 14, 2008
Ok im Reallllllllllyyyyy new to programming in general and in trying to get a
search working that as 7 different criteria on a form, all criteria are
selected via dropdown and are unbound. i want to open a multiple items form
based on a query that i made and apply the 7 criteria and filter the form
from there i would like the ability to print the search Via a report i have
made. now thusfar i have this and it dose not work at all and i am really
need help lol:

Private Sub Command28_Click()

DoCmd.OpenForm "Main Inventory Advanced Search"

If IsNull([Forms]![Advanced Inventorysearch Beta]![User]) Or "" Then


DoCmd.ApplyFilter 'cannot figure this function out for the life of me.

End If

End Sub

Now the form i want to apply the filter to is "Advanced inventory Search"
and the form the Critera is on is "Advanced Inventorysearch Beta". tried
doint this via macro but someone told me i cant because i would not be able
to print the results on the report i want but even after i figure out the
whole "apply Filter" thing with multiple criteria couldent i just point the
reports fields to this form or would i have to save the search as a quary
Before you open the form you should save all the filter criteria in a string.
On the Docmd.Openform command you can pass the string in the Wherecondition.

It's just one way of doing it . . .
Ahhh ic ic i was doing it backwords. Thanks man! also can someone explain IsNull to me, like is

IsNull (<Expression>) or ""

Wouls this be a valid use of isnull?
Ahhh ic ic i was doing it backwords. Thanks man! also can someone explain IsNull to me, like is

IsNull (<Expression>) or ""

Wouls this be a valid use of isnull?

A better way would be:

If Len([YourField] & "") = 0 Then

That checks for both nulls AND zero length strings.
No, the length of the value of the control and the zero length string together. If the length is zero, then it must be a null or zero length string.
Ahh Ic Ic. to quote Dr Snuggles

"Before you open the form you should save all the filter criteria in a string.
On the Docmd.Openform command you can pass the string in the Wherecondition.

It's just one way of doing it . . ."

would this be something like what he (or you) are talking about, im still really new to programming trying to get the lingo down, and the general application of the basics.

Private Sub Command28_Click()
Dim strFilter As String

If Len([Location] & "") = 0 Then

    strFilter = "[Location] = " & strfilter
End If

If Len(strFilter) > 0 Then
DoCmd.OpenForm Main_Inventory_Advanced_Search
Filter = strFilter
FilterOn = True
DoCmd.Save acQuery, "IR"

DoCmd.OpenForm Main_Inventory_Advanced_Search
FilterOn = False
End If

If Len(strFilter) > 0 Then would this be an appropriate use of Len if i had added in multiple arguments?

Also would my arguments come out valid (would the code work?)

p.s. sry bob tried adding more to your rep but you recently helped me with my password issues and dlookup! you the man!

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