Fishing expedition by 1/6 commission

I think they will release the videos, I just don't think the lame-stream media has any interest in reporting on their masters.
I think they will release the videos, I just don't think the lame-stream media has any interest in reporting on their masters.
Maybe the Republicans need to stage a new January 6th committee this one really made for entertaining tv!
Very few of the Republicans have had the nerve to stand up for Trump regarding election fraud and even fewer came to the defence of the "tourists" who wandered into the Capitol to take selfies as the Capitol guards waved them in. Congress has totally forgotten that they were elected to serve the people and not themselves except for Marjorie Taylor Greene. I'm pretty sure she is the ONLY member of Congress who cared enough to visit the jail where the political prisoners were being held.
An excellent summary by Laura Ingraham demonstrating that conservatives are being persecuted, but those on the left only receive minor meaningless "slaps" for their violations of the law.
Tucker is currently showing video of someone who wandered in long after the doors were breached. He probably didn't make it 20 feet inside when an officer asked him to leave so he turned around and left. He's on video the whole time. He's in a big crowd that is moving slowly and peacefully. For this heinous crime, he spent a month locked up without bail, Then a year under house arrest. The original charges carried a sentence of over 20 years in prison. Antifa doesn't spend the night for burning cop cars and ransacking stores. His current charge carries a 1 year sentence. For walking inside the People's house uninvited (maybe) for about 30 seconds.
Remember when CNN interviewed the Antifa guy that was inside the capital on January 6th taking pictures but was never prosecuted for trespassing or any other crimes.
Guess Tucker forgot to mention that Goodwyn is a self proclaimed member of the Proud Boys.
What the F*** does that have to do with the price of tea in China. I'm ashamed of you. You should really know better. Since when do we punish people for their associations? Are you OK with us jailing the children of criminals because of the crimes of their parents as they do in China and North Korea? Because that is the path we are currently on. It is time for YOU to wake up because what you are saying is that it is perfectly OK to release without bail and with NO prosecution, people who hit innocent citizens with bats but we should send someone who walked into the Capitol building through OPEN DOORS, stayed for 20 seconds, hurt no person, and did no damage, to prison for 20 years because that was the original proposed sentence? It has now been reduced to 1 year but the man spent a whole month in solitary confinement and his life is essentially ruined for NO CRIME worth prosecuting. If anyone in law enforcement thinks that that is OK,we are all doomed.

Defund the FBI - NOW!!!! They are utterly corrupt. The agency is beyond saving.
Guess Tucker forgot to mention that Goodwyn is a self proclaimed member of the Proud Boys.

I'm not sure why that matters? It's also about time someone had the guts to say the following: The Proud Boys aren't necessarily bad, although it makes sense that any far-right organization, whose stated goals are 100% acceptable, will also attract those whose primary motivator is total dislike for people based solely on race (an unacceptable attitude). Kind of like any far-left organization, whose stated goals may be acceptable, i.e. "combat climate change and help poor sad people get happy and free" will also attract criminals and bad people, whose internal unstated goals are to keep finding new ways to mix Sex and Kids, or forcibly redistribute wealth by stealing from some to give to others, commit all kinds of rioting, burning, etc.

I've tired of hearing people say so-and-so is "a member of" or "associated with" the Proud Boys.
Who cares?
The Proud Boys does not mean there is anything wrong with that person, and in fact, that organization's stated goals are mostly just common sense things that are needed. Of course, they deserve their reputation in part due to their choice of how and when to present their message and who and when to oppose, and how (perception).
Guess Tucker forgot to mention that Goodwyn is a self proclaimed member of the Proud Boys.
As both @Pat Hartman and @Isaac notes "why does that matter?" To extend @Isaac comment a bit further: "Kind of like any far-left organization, whose stated goals may be acceptable, i.e. "combat climate change and help poor sad people get happy and free" will also attract criminals and bad people, whose internal unstated goals are to keep finding new ways to mix Sex and Kids, or forcibly redistribute wealth by stealing from some to give to others, commit all kinds of rioting, burning, etc." So if your upset by what you think of the Proud Boys, consider the abuse of a supposed "woke" person who claims to support the supposed goals of diversity and inclusion, shouting down and demonizing a person she does not agree with. That is the exact opposite of the openness that the left claims to believe in. Shouting down free-speech is unacceptable in a democratic society.
"These law students believe that conservative viewpoints are "harmful" and thus should not be allowed to be heard on campus. In a twisted concept pushed by many faculty members, they believe that silencing others is an act of free speech."
I guess these supposed "law" students have not respect for the rule-of-law.

PS: The charges being filed against Goodwyn are more than likely bogus. The Obama and now the Biden administration have a documented recorded of using the power-of-the-state to suppress political opponents, just like in the old USSR.
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The Obama and now the Biden administration have a documented recorded of using the power-of-the-state to suppress political opponents, just like in the old USSR
Democrats have gone so far, that I fear the techniques that will be used by either side to win 2024 may be even yet more extreme than anything we have seen, with hoaxes up and down the board of all kinds, and pushing the constitutional limits of everything.

Why do I think that? because of the practical considerations of retribution and balance of power.

If you're in power, the only time it makes sense to go around locking up and brutally punishing all of your opponents, or selected representatives of those opponents to make a point, on the basis of small silly infractions............The only time that makes sense is if you're going to hold power forever - or something close to that (lifetime, tenure, etc).

Else, they surely know Republicans will do the same to them shortly.

Which means at this point they have dug themselves in so deep they simply MUST win; if they lose, then the ferocity of the retributive acts exacted upon them will be--and they will have known and expected them to be--too much to make the current events 'worth it'.

the USA politics, these years, is a textbook study in the concept and workings of escalation
very worrisome.
More hypocrisy by the "left". When Democratic party lawmakers in Tennessee disrupted the Tennessee legislative process, according to Harris that was an appropriate exhibition of democracy at work, yet when people assemble for a patriotic rally on Jan. 6th, that is somehow an attack on democracy. Unbelievable.
Making hand gestures before a raucous crowd, she asked, "And is that not what a democracy allows?" She continued, "A democracy says you don’t silence the people! You do not stifle the people!"
So when it came to the Democratic legislatures, Harris says: "A democracy says you don’t silence the people! You do not stifle the people!", but this is exactly what Harris is demanding (stifling the people) for those who participated in the Jan. 6th patriotic rally.

READ: Vice President Kamala Harris’ remarks on January 6 anniversary
On January 6th, we all saw what our nation would look like if the forces who seek to dismantle our democracy are successful. The lawlessness, the violence, the chaos.
The Democratic party lawmakers in Tennessee were promoting lawlessness, violence, and chaos. Democrats are the threat to democracy.
They don't see the hypricrocy because they believe that they are the arbiters of what speech is allowed. They believe that the First Amendment is a mere suggestion and that they can decide what speech is allowed and what is not. Even though the whole point of the First Amendment was to allow opposing ideas to be expressed even if you found them objectionable or even just disagreed with them. So, any speech that they disagree with, they categorize as "hate" speech and they believe that they are ENTITLED to suppress "hate" speech. Logic doesn't work with stupid people.
Another follow-up that demonstrates that the Democrats are hypocrites.
Biden wants to “thank them for speaking out and standing their ground and being very clear about what’s needed for our community,” Jean-Pierre told reporters.
Those who participated in the patriotic rally held on Jan 6th, were speaking-out for what's needed in our country.
It's enough to make your head spin. "they" do it and it is freedom fighting and warrants and invitation to the White House. "we" do it and it's an insurrection that must result in jail time for wandering around taking selfies.

The Democrats are a danger to our society. This is the tyranny of the majority that the founders were so afraid of. It is here now. When the ruling party gets to persecute the "others" for crimes that they commit and get away with, there is no hope. Where are those feckless pieces of dog poo Republicans??? Hiding out no doubt. Worried that if they speak up, some strange woman who they probably don't even know will pop out of the woodwork and funded by a radical Democrat donor, accuse you of a crime you committed at some unspecified time, in some unspecified place. The accusation automatically makes you guilty in the eyes of a Democrat.
Quick question.

As far as we know, the USA Presidential election next year is between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The US populace have to choose between an old bloke who displays periods of confusion and falls asleep or an idiot who can't accept defeat and is a prolific liar who paints himself orange. Of course, we know its the republicans turn, so DJT is certain to win.
Is this the best that 300+ million people can come up with? In other words, is there anybody young, vibrant, statesman like, who can lead effectively on the world's stage? Or are we all to put up with the American people's inabilities to vote in a proper president yet again?
Bring back Dan Quale.
prolific liar
Perhaps you'd like to provide some examples. What exactly is a "lie" per your definition? Can you tell the difference between a "lie" and an opinion? After every declarative sentence you write, do you include a list of citations so we can be sure you are not lying? You say that Trump is a prolific liar but I'm guessing that you can't cite one actual example. You are simply repeating a talking point that you think makes Trump look bad. I'll give you three of my favorites uttered multiple times by Obama when he was trying to get the American public to accept the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare).
1. If you like your health plan, you can keep it
2. If you like your doctor, you can keep him.
3. The AFC will save the average family $2500 per year.

Obama knew for a fact (based on sworn testimony by the people who briefed him on the bill) that all three statements were falsehoods. Not differences of opinion but actual falsehoods based on evaluations made by the government analysts when they evaluated the effects of the proposed legislation. Obama knew up front that these specific lies would hurt the American taxpayer and he told them over and over and over again. Even Nancy Pelosi refused to comment on what the bill actually contained. Her famous quote from the period was "if you want to know what is in the bill you have to pass it". Silly me. I thought we were supposed to know what was in a bill before our legislators voted on it.

Continuing along those lines, two of Biden's oft repeated lies which probably resulted in thousands of deaths:
1. If you take the vaccine, you can't catch COVID. He repeated this one just a few months ago.
2. If you take the vaccine, you can't transmit COVID.

A lie is a purposeful falsehood. It isn't an opinion. It isn't a faulty estimation. It is knowing what is actually true and telling the public something else entirely. What purposeful falsehood can you attribute to Trump? He questions the results of the 2020 election? To this day, Hillary questions the results of the 2016 election but I guess that's OK.

Presidents and other politicians are frequently required to lie to the public for the sake of national security. I wouldn't count something like that as a lie.

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