Solved Form: Access, microsoft office viewer (source: arnelgp)


Local time
Today, 12:40
Jul 8, 2020
Thanks, for the tips, codes, ideas, it helps a lot to extend the use of MS access in the unique way as one creativeness reach the peak.

Dim fd As Object
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(3)
With fd

.Title = strWindowTitle

If Forms![Form: Tab Page]![TabName] = "AllPage" Then
.AllowMultiSelect = True

ElseIf Forms![Form: Tab Page]![TabName] = "PDF" Then
.Filters.Add "PDF", "*.pdf;*.html", 1

ElseIf Forms![Form: Tab Page]![TabName] = "Excel" Then
.Filters.Add "Excel Workbooks", "*.xls;*.xlsx;*.xlsm", 1

ElseIf Forms![Form: Tab Page]![TabName] = "Image" Then
.Filters.Add "Image", "*.png;*.jpeg;*.jpg", 1

ElseIf Forms![Form: Tab Page]![TabName] = "PowerPoint" Then
.Filters.Add "Powerpoint", "*.ppt;*.pptx;*.pps", 1

ElseIf Forms![Form: Tab Page]![TabName] = "Word" Then
.Filters.Add "Word", "*.docx;*.docm;*.doc;*.txt", 1

ElseIf Forms![Form: Tab Page]![TabName] = "Outlook" Then
.Filters.Add "Outlook", "*.ics;*.xml;*.msg;*.vcf;*.srs;*.exe;*.pst", 1

ElseIf Forms![Form: Tab Page]![TabName] = "Access" Then
.Filters.Add "Access", "*.Accdb;*.Accde;*.mdb", 1

ElseIf Forms![Form: Tab Page]![TabName] = "Folder" Then
End If

If .Show = -1 Then
FilePicker = (.SelectedItems(1))
FilePicker = vbNullString
End If
End With
Set fd = Nothing


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maybe I don't understand something, but such a form name is hardly reasonable
Forms![Form: Tab Page]![TabName]
Thanks, for the tips, codes, ideas, it helps a lot to extend the use of MS access in the unique way as one creativeness reach the peak.
"but such a form name is hardly reasonable"
Forms![Form: Tab Page]![TabName]

Seems impossible,
it makes the hidden tab visible when you call the specific tab to show
on [TabName] that is combo select like excel or word,
if you choose "word" then the page with the corresponding name will be visible,
this "Forms![Form: Tab Page]!" is part of the expression to locate the object as cue on"![TabName]"

But only, frequently use the expression "Forms![Form: Tab Page]![TabName]" on looping codes (if elseif endif)

After that a .setfocus is assigned to the browser button on the sub.form of Form:TabPage to open a specific file
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