Form Datasheet view BUG


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May 20, 2005
Form spreadsheet view BUG

I have serious problems when viewing forms in spreadsheet View.

I have forms named Form1, Form2 and Form3. All forms is viewed in datasheet view.

Form3 is subform to Form2, and Form2 is subform to Form1. When I click the + sign next to a record (say, record #3) in Form1, the related records in Form2 is displayed. Record #4 in Form1 jumps down to make place for the records in Form2. Then I click the + sign of a record in Form2, and the related records in Form3 is displayed. The records in Form2 jumps down to make place, but not those in Form1. Let's say there is 3 related records in Form3. Then, 3 records in Form1 is covered by Form2. This feels a little buggy. This can be resolved by doing Form1.Recalc, but then the currently active coltrol loses it's focus, which is unacceptable in my specific application.

Have anyone experienced the same problem, or do anyone have any idea of how to resolve this very annoying bug/problem? Any help, please!
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