Forms on switchboard


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Today, 05:05
Oct 4, 2006
I have created my switchboard.. and I put my forms on it.. my forms contain drop down boxes.. when I click on my switchboard and open up my forms my drop down boxes work, yet they are not pulling the information from the record like it is supposed to.. any ideas?
Are you saying that your forms are subforms on the switchboard, or merely called by the switchboard?

Do the forms work correctly when opened directly without using the switchboard?
I created forms that have a drop down box so that I can pull records by choosing the client name... once I click on the clients name in the drop down box.. it pulls the clients information from the main table...

I created a switchboard and added this form to the switchboard.. when I access this form from the switchboard... and choose the client name from the drop down box.. the clients information does not show up in the rest of form like it supposed to.

If I access the form without going through the switchboard the form works fine.. any ideas where I have screwed up?

Thanks in advance for your time.
Have you moved the dropdown box to the switchboard or is it still on the called form?
I am a little confused..
I created a form that has a drop down box and then put the form on my switchboard.

Now my form is not working when I access it through my switchboard.

Was I supposed to do something else?
A switchboard (well the MS example) is really a text menu system.

Through a wizard (but its easy to do manually when you know how), you set up a series of menu options, each of which either opens a form, runs a report, or a macro, or jumps to a new menu.

You then specify which form etc is reuired to open for each menu item.

This is not really what you are trying to do, I think.
Form not working in switchboard


I created a switchboard already.. my problem is this:

I created a form.... that has a drop down box... so that I can pull records by client names...

I click on the clients name in the drop down box... and then it pulls the clients information from a table...

this works great!

I then created a switchboard.. and I put the form on the switchboard...

now when I access the form through the switchboard... I cannot pull information by the clients name...

when I go to the drop down box and click on a clients name... it does not pull any information..

If I access my form directly without using the switchboard... the form works fine... any ideas?

I am going crazy trying to figure this out!!!!
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soory to be a pain, but did you create the switchboard with the MS wizard? ie Are we talking about the same type of switchboard?
The problem is that when you put one form on another, it becomes a subform. That changes the form's name. If the form's name is frm1 and you put it on swb1, then the form's name becomes:
Forms!swb1.Form!frm1 instead of Forms!frm1

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