Private Sub Button_Export_Click()
Dim cPie As New cls_PIE
'sub vars
Dim i As Integer
Dim sSQL As String
Dim stnum As String
Dim Proj_Fldr_dir As String
Dim obj_XL As Object
Dim obj_XL_wb As Workbook
'arrays and recordsets
Dim rs_temp_PIE_vendor As DAO.Recordset 'dim list of distinct vendors and phase
Dim rs_Count_Fixt_Price As DAO.Recordset 'variable fixture list per vendor per phase
Dim rs_array_temp() As Variant 'array form of rs
Dim rs_array() As String 'formatted version of rs_array_temp
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Me.Requery 'intentional redundancy
If DCount("Form_select_boo", "temp_PIE_BPO_vendor_phase", "Form_select_boo=true") = 0 Then 'too many nested ifs
MsgBox "No vendors selected."
GoTo hell
End If
'start declare base variables
sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT t_VendorInformation.VendorID, t_VendorInformation.Vendor_Name, t_Phase.PhaseNo, temp_PIE_BPO_vendor_phase.Form_select_boo, t_Components.PhaseId, t_Phase.ChangeOrderNo, t_Emails.EmailID, t_VendorInformation.vendor_id, t_Phase.StoreAffectedID, t_StoresAffected.StoreNo, t_StoresAffected.ProjectKey, t_Project.Project_Type_Id" & _
" FROM (t_StoresAffected INNER JOIN (((t_Phase INNER JOIN (temp_PIE_BPO_vendor_phase INNER JOIN t_Components ON (temp_PIE_BPO_vendor_phase.PhaseID = t_Components.PhaseId) AND (temp_PIE_BPO_vendor_phase.VendorID = t_Components.VendorId)) ON (t_Phase.PhaseId = t_Components.PhaseId) AND (t_Phase.PhaseId = t_Components.PhaseId)) INNER JOIN t_VendorInformation ON t_Components.VendorId = t_VendorInformation.VendorID) INNER JOIN t_Emails ON (temp_PIE_BPO_vendor_phase.PhaseID = t_Emails.PhaseId) AND (temp_PIE_BPO_vendor_phase.VendorID = t_Emails.VendorId)) ON t_StoresAffected.StoreAffectedID = t_Phase.StoreAffectedID) INNER JOIN t_Project ON t_StoresAffected.ProjectKey = t_Project.ProjectKey" & _
" WHERE (((temp_PIE_BPO_vendor_phase.Form_select_boo) = True) And ((t_Emails.Active) = True))" & _
" ORDER BY t_Phase.PhaseNo;"
Set rs_temp_PIE_vendor = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
'rs_temp_PIE_vendor(0) = vendorID
'rs_temp_PIE_vendor(1) = vendorname
'rs_temp_PIE_vendor(2) = phaseno
'rs_temp_PIE_vendor(3) = form select boo (unused)
'rs_temp_PIE_vendor(4) = PhaseID
'rs_temp_PIE_vendor(5) = ChangeOrderNo
'rs_temp_PIE_vendor(6) = EmailID
'rs_temp_PIE_vendor(7) = vendor_id
'rs_temp_PIE_vendor(8) = StoreAffectedID
'rs_temp_PIE_vendor(9) = StoreNo
'rs_temp_PIE_vendor(10) = ProjectKey
'rs_temp_PIE_vendor(11) = Project_Type_Id
stnum = Format(Nz(rs_temp_PIE_vendor(9), 0), "0000")
Proj_Fldr_dir = cdefault.BuildPath(rs_temp_PIE_vendor(10), rs_temp_PIE_vendor(9))
Set obj_XL = cExcel.Make_Excel_ob 'declare to kill later
Set obj_XL_wb = cExcel.make_Excel_wb(obj_XL) 'must make workbook object outside of loop so that each vendor uses same object
'end declare base variables
cPie.MakeDirectories rs_temp_PIE_vendor(10), stnum
If Not rs_temp_PIE_vendor.BOF And Not rs_temp_PIE_vendor.EOF Then 'loop through list of vendors, loop through phases, clear and format data
While (Not rs_temp_PIE_vendor.EOF)
If rs_temp_PIE_vendor(0) = 30 And (rs_temp_PIE_vendor(11) = 5 Or rs_temp_PIE_vendor(11) = 10) Then
'skip IRSG for NSO
ElseIf rs_temp_PIE_vendor(0) = 20 Then '"YUNKER INDUSTRIES, INC."
cExcel.Export_signage stnum, rs_temp_PIE_vendor(8), Proj_Fldr_dir, obj_XL 'Signage take off
Else 'fill out csv for PS
'add packing slip per phase. Only for vendor, Madix Inc. and phase below 100
If rs_temp_PIE_vendor(0) = 11 And rs_temp_PIE_vendor(2) < 100 Then cPie.Madix_phased_packing_slips rs_temp_PIE_vendor(4), rs_temp_PIE_vendor(10)
sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Sum(t_Components.Count) AS SumOfCount, t_Fixtures.Fixture_Code,t_Components.Actual_Price" & _
" FROM t_VendorPricing INNER JOIN ((t_Fixtures INNER JOIN t_Components ON t_Fixtures.FixtureId = t_Components.FixtureId) INNER JOIN t_VendorInformation ON t_Components.VendorId = t_VendorInformation.VendorID) ON (t_VendorPricing.Vendorid = t_Components.VendorId) AND (t_VendorPricing.FixtureId = t_Fixtures.FixtureId)" & _
" GROUP BY t_Fixtures.Fixture_Code, t_Components.Actual_Price, t_VendorPricing.Fixture_Buyable, t_VendorInformation.VendorID, t_Components.PhaseId" & _
" HAVING (((t_VendorPricing.Fixture_Buyable)=True) AND ((t_VendorInformation.VendorID)=" & rs_temp_PIE_vendor(0) & ") AND ((t_Components.PhaseId)=" & rs_temp_PIE_vendor(4) & "))" & _
" ORDER BY t_Fixtures.Fixture_Code;" 'fixture code, sum of count, unit price per phase+vendor
Set rs_Count_Fixt_Price = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges) 'dim fixture list per vendor per phase
If rs_Count_Fixt_Price.RecordCount <> 0 Then 'do stuff only if there are things to buy for vendor on certain phase
rs_array_temp = rs_Count_Fixt_Price.GetRows(9999) 'pass recordset data to array. 9999 is assumed overkill limit on rec count
ReDim rs_array(0 To 3, 0 To UBound(rs_array_temp, 2)) 'prime array to receive rs data
For i = LBound(rs_array_temp, 2) To UBound(rs_array_temp, 2) 'pss temp array to usable array
rs_array(0, i) = i + 1 '*Line Number
rs_array(1, i) = rs_array_temp(0, i) '*Purchase Order Quantity
rs_array(2, i) = Trim(rs_array_temp(1, i)) 'Item ID
rs_array(3, i) = rs_array_temp(2, i) '*Purchase Order Price
Next i
cExcel.Fill_PS_CSV obj_XL_wb, rs_array, stnum, rs_temp_PIE_vendor, rs_temp_PIE_vendor(10) 'actual line of code that passes array info to excel
Else 'uh oh no buyable fixtures
If MsgBox("No buyable fixtures detected in vendor selection:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
"Vendor: " & rs_temp_PIE_vendor(1) & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
"Phase: " & rs_temp_PIE_vendor(2) & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
"Continue with other vendors and phases?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
GoTo Keepgoing
GoTo cleanup
End If
End If
End If
End If
With obj_XL_wb 'saving workbook here and not in cExcel.Fill_PS_CSV obj_XL_wb since its nested in a loop
If .Sheets(1).Range("A1") <> "" Then 'dump workbook if nothing got filled
' arnelgp
Call RenumberPO(.Sheets(1))
.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
.SaveAs Filename:=Proj_Fldr_dir & "Uploads\" & stnum & "_Bulk_PO_Upload" & Format(Now(), "_yyyymmdd_hhmmss_AM/PM") & ".csv", FileFormat:=6
.Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
End With
If MsgBox("Peoplesoft Upload sheet creation successful." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Open folder location?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
Shell "C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe """ & Proj_Fldr_dir & "Uploads\" & "", vbNormalFocus
End If
obj_XL_wb.Close savechanges:=False
obj_XL.Quit 'kill app
Set rs_temp_PIE_vendor = Nothing
Set rs_Count_Fixt_Price = Nothing
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub
'renumber the worksheet
Private Sub RenumberPO(ByRef ws As Object)
Dim rw As Long
Dim last_row As Long
Dim previous_category As String
Dim current_category As String
Dim line As Integer
Dim arr As Variant
Dim j As Integer
With ws
last_row = .Range("U2").End(xlDown).Row
For rw = 3 To last_row
current_category = .Range("U" & rw)
If current_category <> previous_category Then
previous_category = current_category
line = 1
If Len(.Range("A" & rw) & "") <> 0 Then
arr = Range("A" & rw & ":L" & rw)
.Range("M" & rw) = line
'Debug.Print UBound(arr, 1), UBound(arr, 2)
For j = 1 To UBound(arr, 2)
.Cells(rw, j) = arr(1, j)
.Range("M" & rw) = line
End If
line = line + 1
.Range("M" & rw) = line
End If
End With
End Sub