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Hi all,
I found a function to put a next action date into a date field. If in the combobox a status was changed to for example "on client side), then it will know that it has to count 60 days, but not counting the weekends.
The combobox is in a form called "frm_main_hrr" called cmb_status.
for now it will call a intput box and then the results will be put in a message box.
How can I adjust it to that when I make a selection in the combobox from status it will put the date in the field "next_action_date"
code I have now on the combobox:
I hard coded the 60 days in it and the TodayDate as today's date.
I found a function to put a next action date into a date field. If in the combobox a status was changed to for example "on client side), then it will know that it has to count 60 days, but not counting the weekends.
The combobox is in a form called "frm_main_hrr" called cmb_status.
for now it will call a intput box and then the results will be put in a message box.
How can I adjust it to that when I make a selection in the combobox from status it will put the date in the field "next_action_date"
Option Compare Database
Function BusinessDays(stDay As Date, eDay As Integer) As Date
Dim i As Integer
Do While i < eDay
If isWeekend(stDay) = True Then
i = i + 0
ElseIf isExclude(stDay) = True Then
i = i + 0
i = i + 1
End If
stDay = stDay + 1
If isWeekend(stDay) = True Or isExclude(stDay) = True Then
BusinessDays = BusinessDays(stDay, 1)
BusinessDays = stDay
End If
End Function
Function isExclude(testDate As Date) As Boolean
Dim excludeDates(1 To 11) As Date
Dim intyear As Integer
intyear = Format(testDate, "YYYY")
Dim i As Integer
'Holiday List
excludeDates(1) = CDate("1/1/" & intyear) 'New Years Day
excludeDates(2) = CDate("1/20/" & intyear) '#1/20/2014# 'MLK Jr. Day
excludeDates(3) = CDate("2/17/" & intyear) '#2/17/2014# 'Presidents' Day
excludeDates(4) = CDate("5/26/" & intyear) '#5/26/2014# 'Memorial Day
excludeDates(5) = CDate("7/4/" & intyear) '#7/4/2014# 'Independence Day
excludeDates(6) = CDate("9/16/" & intyear) '#9/1/2014# 'Labor Day
excludeDates(7) = CDate("10/13/" & intyear) '#10/13/2014# 'Columbus Day
excludeDates(8) = CDate("11/1/" & intyear) '#11/11/2014# 'Veterans Day
excludeDates(9) = CDate("11/27/" & intyear) '#11/27/2014# 'Thanksgiving
excludeDates(10) = CDate("12/25/" & intyear) '#12/25/2014# 'Christmas
'Missing Government Date – Add Inauguration Day:
'First January 20 following a Presidential election
For i = 1 To 10
If testDate = excludeDates(i) Then
isExclude = True
Exit Function
End If
Next i
isExclude = False
End Function
Function isWeekend(testDate As Date) As Boolean
Select Case Weekday(testDate)
Case vbSaturday, vbSunday
isWeekend = True
Case Else
isWeekend = False
End Select
End Function
Function whatDay()
Dim getDate As Date, getBusDays As Integer
getDate = InputBox("Start Date")
getBusDays = InputBox("Business Days")
MsgBox BusinessDays(getDate, getBusDays)
End Function
code I have now on the combobox:
I hard coded the 60 days in it and the TodayDate as today's date.
Private Sub cmb_status_AfterUpdate()
Dim TodayDate As Date
Dim BusinessDays As Integer
TodayDate = Date
BusinessDayss = "60"
getDate = TodayDate
getBusDayss = BusinessDays
Me.Next_Action_Date = (BusinessDays(getDate, getBusDays))
End Sub