I've been a bit curious about the time taken for various ways of calling a sub / function where a particular form is involved.
I've tested this over 10000000 iterations with the results below.
In the first test I passed the form name as "Me"
It took 1.85 seconds to run.
In the second test I used "Screen.activeform"
This took 39.5 seconds to run, that is about 21 times slower than passing "Me".
As a matter of interest, I tried the first test with While / Wend and it took 1.9 seconds.
Just thought I'd let you know.
I've tested this over 10000000 iterations with the results below.
In the first test I passed the form name as "Me"
Private Sub timeTest()
Dim nNum As Long
nStart As Double
nNum = 1
nStart = timeGetTime
nNum = addone(nNum, Me)
Loop While nNum < 10000000
Me.txtname = timeGetTime - nStart
End Sub
Private Function addone(nNum As Long, frm As Form) As Long
addone = nNum + 1
End Function
It took 1.85 seconds to run.
In the second test I used "Screen.activeform"
Private Sub timeTest()
Dim nNum As Long
nStart As Double
nNum = 1
nStart = timeGetTime
nNum = addone(nNum)
Loop While nNum < 10000000
Me.txtname = timeGetTime - nStart
End Sub
Private Function addone(nNum As Long) As Long
Dim frm As Form
Set frm = Screen.ActiveForm
addone = nNum + 1
End Function
This took 39.5 seconds to run, that is about 21 times slower than passing "Me".
As a matter of interest, I tried the first test with While / Wend and it took 1.9 seconds.
Just thought I'd let you know.
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