Generating a project number based on other fields

@MajP I am having trouble understanding this with my limited access understanding.
If I already have the financial year in the table as calculating when the job opens do I need the first function?
So my thought is you want to enter a new record, so you need to know what fiscal year it is. If I enter a record on 9/30/2020 I run today's date through the function and it determines the fiscal year is 2020. So then it looks in the db for FY 2020 records, find the max, and adds 1. Then on 10/1 it determines the FY is 2021 and looks for the max record in 2021. Likely finds none and starts with 1.

I also guessing maybe you have to back date some project, so maybe you do not even use the entry date but the assigned fiscal year. So you would pick the FY to assign the project and it would generate the project id. I believe what Plog is saying is that you are either going to assign the current fiscal year to the function, or you can specify the fiscal year. However, you cannot use the last fiscal year. When I get to 10/1 and try to assign a new record the last FY was 2020, and I need to pass the function either the current FY or a FY of my choosing.
See if this makes sense. Enter as date and it will update.


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