Function RegexReturnAllMatches(strInput As String, Optional pttrn As String, Optional sepchar As String = " ") As String
'Extract all Matches from a string
'Default Pattern is date formatted as digits followed by slash dot or dash
' ** Currently does not test for valid date only a date like pattern **
'Can provide any other pattern if want to use for non date purposes
'Can change the sep char from space to any other character such as comma
' ? RegexReturnAllMatches("11/01/21 through 11/09/2021 Code Projected 12-29-2021 Actual through year end")
' 11/01/21 11/09/2021 12-29-2021
'--Put your own pattern and sep char
' ? RegexReturnAllMatches("11/01/21 through 11/09/2021 Code Projected 12/29/2021 Actual through year end", "[\d]+[\/\-\.][\d]+[\/\-\.][\d]+", ",")
' 11/01/21,11/09/2021,12/29/2021
'--Exclude Year
' ? RegexReturnAllMatches("11/01/21 through 11/09/2021 Code Projected 12/29/2021 Actual through year end", "[\d]+[\/\-\.][\d]+", ",")
' 11/01,11/09,12/29
'--Find the word THROUGH
' ? RegexReturnAllMatches("11/01/21 through 11/09/2021 Code Projected 12/29/2021 Actual through year end", "through", ",")
' through , through
'--Extract words containing 4 letters
'? RegexReturnAllMatches("11/01/21 through 11/09/2021 Code Projected 12-29-2021 Actual through year end","\b[a-z]{4}\b")
'Code year
'Based on:
Dim RE, Match
Dim toSlash As String
Dim arrayMatches()
Dim i As Long
Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With RE
.Global = True
.Multiline = True
.IgnoreCase = True
If Len(pttrn) = 0 Then
.Pattern = "[\d]+[\/\-\.][\d]+[\/\-\.][\d]+"
.Pattern = pttrn
End If
If .Test(strInput) Then
For Each Match In .Execute(strInput)
ReDim Preserve arrayMatches(i)
arrayMatches(i) = Match.Value
i = i + 1
End If
End With
RegexReturnAllMatches = Join(arrayMatches, sepchar)
End Function