Solved Getting Color Theme Color Numbers


Local time
Tomorrow, 10:29
May 23, 2023
I have a button that has it's Back Color property set to Accent 1. When it is clicked I would like the Back Color to be changed to Accent 2.

How do I find out the value of the Accent 2 color so I can apply it to the button? I don't just want to find out and hardcode the current color number because the color in Accent 2 may change. I need the number at the time the button is clicked.
Theme colours such as Accent1/Accent2 etc depend on the theme used.
If you want to control colours in code its easiest to use standard colours instead.
Alternatively, consider using the theme management tools available at
some Constant colors can be found in the discussion here:
[Solved]-Color constants in Access 2007-VBA Excel (
color themes - decimal equivelant documented? (

or you can manually create a table that will hold all Constants then just create a function that
will lookup the "text equivalent" of a color and show the long value.
Thanks. I tried the negative numbers but they didn't seem to work. However one poster in the thread suggested having hidden controls with the colors as backgrounds and setting the buttons to the appropriate value. EG

Me!cmdTabWall.BackColor = Me!cmdAccent1.BackColor
Me!cmdTabPort.BackColor = Me!cmdAccent2.BackColor

This worked so I am a happy coder :)
Theme colours such as Accent1/Accent2 etc depend on the theme used.
If you want to control colours in code its easiest to use standard colours instead.
Alternatively, consider using the theme management tools available at
Thanks Colin,

I wanted the colors to match whatever the theme colors were rather than hard coding specific colors.
it does work for me? open form Form1 and click the button.


it does work for me? open form Form1 and click the button.
Thanks for the effort. I tested your example. I am not sure which color theme it was using but when I selected a color theme I have designed the colors were not changing to the new theme colors. I have attached an updated copy of your sample. It has 4 buttons that have their backgrounds as Accent 1 to 4 (Color theme LandVision). Clicking on the button should change the form background to the colour of the button. Changing the Color theme to a different one doesn't change the colors that the background changes to when each of the buttons are clicked (from pale blue (accent 1) to light blue (accent 4)). I am guessing that the system numbers are using a specific theme to work out the colors and not the theme that has been selected for the database.


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