Global Warming


Registered User
Local time
Today, 15:14
Jun 9, 2004
And you guys were complaining...:rolleyes:


(Caught you all off guard didn't I ... :p :p :p )
I like that one :) and the proof is rather convincing. Unfortunately it lacks 2000.

But seriously, I saw a TV documentary the other day, where it was stated that the Tour d'Eiffel ( Paris/France), will be the border of the sahara in 2056.
So south of Paris will be covered by sand all the way to Zimbabwe.
Not a very bright prospect. Guess I'll need to immigrate to Canada one of these days. :(
rak said:
Guess I'll need to immigrate to Canada one of these days. :(
You better hurry up, their glaciers are receding, looks like Mexico will be your best bet.
You better get there before all the Yanks flee;) :D
rak said:
I like that one :) and the proof is rather convincing. Unfortunately it lacks 2000.:(

Yes it does, it's just very hard to see...:D
rak said:
I like that one :) and the proof is rather convincing. Unfortunately it lacks 2000.

But seriously, I saw a TV documentary the other day, where it was stated that the Tour d'Eiffel ( Paris/France), will be the border of the sahara in 2056.
So south of Paris will be covered by sand all the way to Zimbabwe.
Not a very bright prospect. Guess I'll need to immigrate to Canada one of these days. :(

Where are they going to get all that sand? :confused:
Rich said:
You better hurry up, their glaciers are receding, looks like Mexico will be your best bet.
You better get there before all the Yanks flee;) :D

Nah, they don't speak French in Mexico, there wine is terrible and
I love the long distance speed skating events they frequently organize in Canada, especially the (glacier) cooled champagne afterwards ;)

KennHig said:
Yes it does, it's just very hard to see...

I probably need glasses. Could you give us a zoomed pic ? :D

Idjit said:
Where are they going to get all that sand?

It's the flora/fauna which will degenerate to sand because of the average temp increase of approx 10º C in Europe.

or Arabia will export it in stead of oil ? :(

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