
My view is that our super efficient, money and resource rich government, won't have anything like the time or inclination to actually police this act except in really extreme cases.
What is the point of enacting a law that you have no intention to enforce? Is it there merely as a trap so you can ensnare someone you don't like and never prosecute anyone you do like? Sounds like it. We have lots of laws like that on the books.

Is it there merely as a trap so you can ensnare someone you don't like and never prosecute anyone you do like?
Just happens that there is an example. The 1799 Logan Act was used as an attempt by Democrats to persecute Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. Moreover, John Kerry (a private citizen at the time) surreptitiously negotiated with Iran (in 2017?), which would be a violation of the Logan Act. Yet he was never prosecuted.
It will come down to protected classes versus non-protected classes that’s where enforcement and resources will ultimately be focused. I won’t provide examples here, but readers will get the gist.
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Currently unknown, but could be things like excluding any talk about religion, Islam etc. Or genders. Basically, stopping all the things we like talking about!
That's kinda what I was thinking.
If the Logan Act doesn't have a statute of limitations, the DOJ can prosecute Kerry now as well as any Biden supporter who violated the act.
It will come down to protected classes versus non-protected classes that’s where enforcement and resources will ultimately be focused. I won’t provide examples here, but readers will get the gist.

I remember one thing I came away from my Con Law class with the strong impression that the creation of protected classes was supposed to be very limited, it's a VERY big deal constitutionally and precedent-wise, and the 3-5 we already have should be enough. In modern times, people want to make everything and its brother a protected class - except they never lean conservative, always liberal, and they are definitely a slippery slope.
What is the point of enacting a law that you have no intention to enforce? Is it there merely as a trap so you can ensnare someone you don't like and never prosecute anyone you do like? Sounds like it. We have lots of laws like that on the books.

Sounds like some of the stuff they used on J6 people. Not all, but some. Not finding any real crimes, they dug up charges based on stuff that had virtually never been used in that context. Pretty desperate if you ask me
Just say "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10, what is it?" That will shut them up and avoid any further action on their part. Unless they really can read minds!
"Thou shall not bear false witness"

Remember what your mommy always told you - the lie doubles your punishment. Many people simply won't lie in this situation. I happen to agree though, in the same situation, I would lie. The law is unjust and I would do nothing to give it any credence.
We are getting to the point where if you believe in traditional values, you may well find yourself in prison, just for teaching those values to your kids at home or daring to suggest the schools teach them - or at least avoid aggressively teaching the opposite. I believe countries like Sweden are already there, Scotland too maybe.

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