Google Maps API Autocomplete


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Tomorrow, 00:20
Aug 17, 2015
As I have had plenty of assistance from everyone here over the years. I thought I had better post this for everyone to share.

I've been playing around with including an autocomplete address form, like you see here: Place Autocomplete Address Form | Maps JavaScript API | Google for Developers

I had initially tried doing something through html/js and then using a WebBrowser control within Access, but that was absolutely terrible. So decided I had to try and reproduce the functionality directly within Access.

Have a look. When you type in the Search box, it updates the Listbox below and makes it visible, to have the correct appearance. You can use up and down arrows to select the different suggested addresses.

It utilises a session token to ensure that the multiple requests sent to Google are billed under a single session, which is cleared once the textbox registers an empty string.

All you need to do is sign up at Google for an API key and enter this. Then you can set the country restriction to keep it localised.

There are plenty of options for addresss components and how these fit your particular area. I have used this in New Zealand but you can adjust to suit your region.



As I have had plenty of assistance from everyone here over the years. I thought I had better post this for everyone to share.

I've been playing around with including an autocomplete address form, like you see here: Place Autocomplete Address Form | Maps JavaScript API | Google for Developers

I had initially tried doing something through html/js and then using a WebBrowser control within Access, but that was absolutely terrible. So decided I had to try and reproduce the functionality directly within Access.

Have a look. When you type in the Search box, it updates the Listbox below and makes it visible, to have the correct appearance. You can use up and down arrows to select the different suggested addresses.

It utilises a session token to ensure that the multiple requests sent to Google are billed under a single session, which is cleared once the textbox registers an empty string.

All you need to do is sign up at Google for an API key and enter this. Then you can set the country restriction to keep it localised.

There are plenty of options for addresss components and how these fit your particular area. I have used this in New Zealand but you can adjust to suit your region.

I am getting an error on code Private Function GenerateAddress(Results As Object) As String "Variable uses an automation type not supported in visual basic". How can we resolve this
I am getting an error on code Private Function GenerateAddress(Results As Object) As String "Variable uses an automation type not supported in visual basic". How can we resolve this
Is your error number 365 & are you running on a Mac?
I am getting an error on code Private Function GenerateAddress(Results As Object) As String "Variable uses an automation type not supported in visual basic". How can we resolve this
Would need to know. Is it happening on that particular line or just within that function?

What are you running his on? Windows? Mac?
I am getting an error on code Private Function GenerateAddress(Results As Object) As String "Variable uses an automation type not supported in visual basic". How can we resolve this
Way to go, jump into an old thread, with not enough information? :(
Do you have the last entry?

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