Graphic Add-In for Excel


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Today, 12:27
Mar 29, 2007
Have any of you ever heard about or used an add-in for Excel called "Be Graphic"? I found it today while I was looking for templates for speedometer charts. It says it is free and gives you the capability to create very sophisticated looking charts. However, in order to download it, you have to give them your business e-mail address. I feel a little leary about giving them my work e-mail address. You know the saying, "if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is." I'm trying to find out if this site really does what it promises, or if it is "too good to be true". I don't want to send them my e-mail address and then end up with a ton of viruses or spyware on my computer as a result. Here is the link to the website I found: Any advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
It's fairly common for software companies to ask for an email before you can download. It's a great way for them to get you on their marketing mill so you can be updated with developments and of course they can follow up on a download and maybe offer a deal if you don't bite fist time. But there's usually nothing sinister about it. You can normally unsubscribe. Create a free hotmail or gmail account and use that if you are unsure.

The are offering the Lite version for free. Again this is common practice. The Lite version usually has less functions and its purpose is to entice you to upgrade to the full version.

You're more likely to be at threat from the software itself i.e. you are downloading some software and then running it on your PC. It couldn't get any easier for a hacker in infiltrate your PC.

But I think this site is genuine. I would do a bit more research e.g. search for some reviews of the product.

Thank you very much for the advice. I appreciate it.

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