Hack found and removed

To give you guys an idea of what threats this site faces, I have had 24 people trying to log into the WordPress section of the site in less than 3 days. Just in the last 4 hours, there have been 33 ip addresses blocked due to repeated attempts to find pages that don't exist i.e. they are probing for vulnerabilities. Maybe about 150 different ip's who have tried pages that don't exist (again, probing).

Lots of people want to bring this site down or exploit it in some way!

So what is their motive? Is there some financial gain for them? I can't work out the reason people would hack this site. Is there bank details, maybe of members who pay subscriptions?

If there is no gain or reward why do they bother?

The motive varies. About 7 years ago, we lost 120K messages due to a hack. That was for the death of a Palestinian leader apparently. The people doing it are very ignorant.

The recent one so they could get affiliate commissions on Access programming books from amazon. Others can be just to put hidden links on their site so they can improve their website rankings.
And sometimes people vandalize things just to destroy that which is other people's property because they get a kick out of it.
I must be getting old. It's beyond my comprehension, a bit like people who carry guns itching to kill someone. I just don't get it.


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