Hacked off

Len Boorman

Back in gainfull employme
Local time
Today, 04:59
Mar 23, 2000
Why is it that Management only consider that application that has a problem once a month.

Well the application doesn't have a problem actually,.

We have to book our time to a database and account for each day of the month. there is a +/- 14 day window of dates. So people can book up to 2 weeks in front or 2 weeks behind. So when people get more than 2 weeks behind they have to go to the administrator (me) as I can get past the date window.

At end of month Finance have to prepare accounts for submission to our owners within 2 days so things have to be on the ball.

So it is the more senior members of the company who are the worst offenders but instead of giving them a good kicking all I get is complaints about the admin time.

Nothing ever said about the other 20 or so applications used on a daily basis that I also support. Admin is still there but since they are used by the lesser mortals very seldom is there a situation that needs my attention.

Just hacked me off today when it was raised again so sent out an email clearly outlining where the problem actually lies.

Anybody got any vacancies in the Coventry area.

Really had enough today

Just a rant

ignore but I feel better

LMAO I feel for you dude. I had a potential customer come in the other day asking for an internet-enabled basic content management system. The usual I want to be able to update the prices of my products, images, product description in a back-end login and then the front-end to update as appropriate. He also wanted to be able to add his own custom fields so he could add any type of data field he wanted (int,varchar,bit etc...) and apply it to any product he wanted.

Fine I can do that. Then he turns around said - should only be a couple days work shouldn't it?

wtf?:eek: If you know how long it's going to take then perhaps you should go @#$^ing do it yourself. It was one of those thoughts that was so loud that you weren't quite sure whether you said it or not. I gave him a quote the next day and I never heard back from him.
I am normally fairly laid back about these things as those that have no knowledge of the subject cannot make sensible comments so just ignore.

One of those making comments is actually fairly close to Director level and look what he sent as a spec for an application

Widely and easily accessible,
Easy to enter information
Data can be entered in different ways, e.g. Word Document, pictures, pdf, free text
Record person who submits
Record number of hits
Able to search by Key Words (Fixed text)(and free text),
Looks Professional
Not limited to amount of data entered
Able to search latest date, most hits etc
Able to combine searched i.e. concatenation of search results

Thinking of holding a competition to see who can work out the Title of the application.

Suppose I am getting old (true) and crotchety (only with idiots)


Think I will have a good steak tonight. I deserve it for putting up with these plonkers

Good rant does you good.

Still need to look around though I think


Any chance of being a little more precise please. bear in mind I am expected to either write an application or buy something off the shelf

Bosses thinking that rules don't apply to them was everthus.
I remember way back in the late 60's I think, I was still programming so must have been, The management decided that we would adopt the Jackson or Jonston? , summat like that, Structured Progrmming Technique to improve our application delivery. A course was set up and the Consultants arrived. The training lasted until they said that management had to accept that projects had to be frozen and that only legally required changes should be implemented once programming had entered the testing stage, then they were shown the door!!!

:D :eek: :rolleyes:

Len Boorman said:

Any chance of being a little more precise please. bear in mind I am expected to either write an application or buy something off the shelf


It looks like the type of application best handled using paper records and a good secretary:cool:


Now you youngsters listen to what Brian is saying.

Back in the 60's (known as the olden days) bosses did not like being told that they were required to make a decision and sick to it.

No change there then.

;) ;) ;)


Brian Yes I was around in the 60's as well
Len Boorman said:
Brian Yes I was around in the 60's as well

I thought you talked a lot of sense.;)

Have full bodied red with that steak

Len Boorman said:
Thinking of holding a competition to see who can work out the Title of the application.

"You kill it and we'll grill it"
Brianwarnock said:
I thought you talked a lot of sense.;)

Have full bodied red with that steak


I am a Chablis man actually but agree with the sentiment

dan-cat said:
"You kill it and we'll grill it"


Senior Management ?
The Application ?
Me ?

The steak ?

I know where my two votes are going

One medium rare and the other totally crisped

Len Boorman said:

Now you youngsters listen to what Brian is saying.

Okay, okay, I'm listening.......................
Back in the 60's (known as the olden days)
Brian Yes I was around in the 60's as well

Now, would that be the 1860's ? :confused:
Rich said:
Okay, okay, I'm listening.......................

Since you need to say okay twice the ear trumpet must need cleaning

Rich said:
Now, would that be the 1860's ? :confused:

Heard you were the expert in that area


Feeling better
Hi Len
I see you are still on , working late, or have you had your steak and come back on?

Brianwarnock said:
Hi Len
I see you are still on , working late, or have you had your steak and come back on?


Working late, not a chance at the moment.

Didn't quite get to the steak but certainly got to the wine.

Updated the CV but need to read it while sober before posting on a few job sites. Decided at the moment that nothing lost in looking and bird in hand better than in bush so to speak.

I might be approaching diamond jubilee but grey cells still firing on all cylinders.

Felt a bit sorry for my boss this morning but not for long. He's about 35 years younger and got promoted into the position 3 weeks ago (I think he has been set up) and I launched into him this morning at 08:00. Spoilt his day probably.

So with Rich still claiming to be the low side of 68 with a life purpose of shoving the yanks I will sign off for the day saying thanks guys I definately feel better

And will be back tomorrow (sober....shame)


So with Rich still claiming to be the low side of 68 with a life purpose of shoving the yanks I will sign off for the day saying thanks guys I definately feel better

Where can I shove them, Len?:confused: :D

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