Happy Barry be good


Cool bop aficionado
Local time
Today, 05:45
Sep 5, 2002
Although a little late, happy birthday Barry.

Cheers , Ron
Thanks Ron. Your thoughts are appreciated. An older but no wiser Barry...
Hope you had a happy birthday yesterday Barry. Just think if you lived here in Liverpool it would only be one year to your bus pass.:D

Happy Birthday Barry.

Hope you had a good one.


ps - I enclosed my 3rd reminder invoice for my overdue royalties payments in with your birthday card:cool:
Happy Birthday Barry!

May you have many, many, many more. :D
Happy Birthday!
What should we toast you with?

(Please don't say a side of spam and eggs....)
TessB said:
Happy Birthday!
What should we toast you with?

(Please don't say a side of spam and eggs....)
"A side of Spam?" we only get it in little tins here:rolleyes:

ColinEssex said:
"A side of Spam?" we only get it in little tins here:rolleyes:

You can also get it deep fried from some chippies, that's if you can afford it of course ;)
Rich said:
You can also get it deep fried from some chippies, that's if you can afford it of course ;)

?? Here spam and treat are very inexpensive. Does haveing it deep fried make the cost of it go up?

I myself love spam/treat cooked hard and crunchy. Served with some fresh loaf bread. *with soft southern drawl* Mmmm, that is some good eatin'. *giggles*
There been enough spam here to last a lifetime.

So a toast to you with something sensible.

"Philosan" :D :D :D :D :D
Happy Birthday and here's hoping for many more. :)
Sorry to have missed the B-Day as well - Hope it was a good one!
Thanks for all the birthday wishes folks, you're very kind. I had some great pressies but not one tin of Spam. Oh well, maybe next year.........
BarryMK said:
I had some great pressies but not one tin of Spam..........

Here you go

Barry, have you sorted out that contract for commission in the "starting your business" thread yet?:rolleyes:

And where's my royalties cheque????

ColinEssex said:
Barry, have you sorted out that contract for commission in the "starting your business" thread yet?:rolleyes:

And where's my royalties cheque????


Steady on, Rome wasn't built in a day, anyway you should see my expenses it costs mega money to manage an international superstar. I'm flying out to Mauritius tomorrow for a long meeting with key executives, there's no rest.:(
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BarryMK said:
Steady on, Rome wasn't built in a day, anyway you should see my expenses it costs mega money to manage and long meeting with key executives, there's no rest.:(
I understood my CD was going well in the USA - people tell me they hear it everyday when driving to work:D

I understand the mega money thing. That "assistant" you sent me was very expensive:eek:


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