Happy Birthday


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 04:29
Feb 22, 2002
Today is the Queen's (God bless her) 80th birthday.:D She is spending the day at Windsor Castle.

Just think, had the USA not wanted independance they too could have a nice monarch instead of the warmongering little twerp they have as a president;)

Yes, they could have had a head of state loved by two thirds of the world instead of one hated by three quarters of them :cool:
But then what would we talk about?

TessB said:
But then what would we talk about?


The movies, the Olympics, TV, the Olympics on TV, visiting Scotland, Mike375, snow shoe-ing, bad plumbing, the weather, Whitby, New Zealand, taxes, job interviews, Walla Walla Washington, Pret a Manger, Tesco, McDonalds, dogs and dog food, very very hot coffee, France...
Jacob Mathai said:
Col, Please say "hello" to the Queen for me.


Sorry Jacob, but as Col's personal manager I'm loathe to let him rub shoulders with such low status people as the royal family. We do have standards.:rolleyes:
I thought the US did have royalty:
Queen Latifa
King Crimson
Count Basie
Duke Ellington
statsman said:
I thought the US did have royalty:
Queen Latifa
King Crimson
Count Basie
Duke Ellington

You forgot Prince.
statsman said:
I thought the US did have royalty:
Queen Latifa
King Crimson
Count Basie
Duke Ellington
The Kennedy's are the closest the USA has ever treated as royalty;)

ColinEssex said:
Today is the Queen's (God bless her) 80th birthday.:D She is spending the day at Windsor Castle.

Just think, had the USA not wanted independance they too could have a nice monarch instead of the warmongering little twerp they have as a president;)


Hey Colin, if you don't believe in God, why are asking God to bless her? Aren't you a little ambiguous? Or is there a possibility that, perhaps there may be a little light in your pretext of atheism?
JayDee said:
Hey Colin, if you don't believe in God, why are asking God to bless her? Aren't you a little ambiguous? Or is there a possibility that, perhaps there may be a little light in your pretext of atheism?

It's just a euphemism:rolleyes:

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