Hello, Appreciate all the help I read here


New member
Local time
Today, 10:26
Mar 22, 2024
I have been using Access Data bases for 2 decades and feel very comfortable developing solutions that use basic functionality and macros. But recently, I have decided to add that extra level to some databases that I have used for ages; I'm trying to learn VBA. So I'm a newbie VBA in an old Access sole!!

Typically I have developed HR solutions; staff data bases, psychometric tests and assessment centre work processes and results management, financial modelling related to enterprise staff models and so on. I'm retired now and feel the itch to keep learning. So I'm here with an open and VBA wise, empty mind!!

I'm looking forward to the learning experiences. In particular I have a personal finance manager database that I want to improve with VBA. I will post a new thread related to that and seek some help.

Many thanks to all.
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