Hello from Paris, France


New member
Local time
Today, 09:24
Oct 5, 2012
Occasional Access user since the first version, so reasonably expert, but there is much I don't know. Same for the rest of Office. I have just upgraded to version 2010 from v XP (2002). I am English, but have lived near Paris for 39 years. So for technical subjects, I prefer English, but I can get by in French. I have been an IT specialist since the mid 1960's, now retired. My main subject was systems analysis and project management methods and tools (SART, OMT, UML, Database conceptual and logical schema analysis and design). I am not really a programmer. At present I am president of an Association which runs a music school in central Paris, for which I have written the client management applications, using Access.
Welcome to the forum and thanks for a nice introduction.

If and when you need help the board has many friendly and experienced Developers to assist you.

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