Hello to all!! (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:07
Oct 24, 2012
Hi, figured it was time I actually joined the forum seeing as I've tended to get alot of the solutions to my Access problems from here!

I'm entirly self-taught on all things Access, I'm actually a SQL DBA by day and a free-lance web designer by night (well evenings and weekends really hence the company name:- weekendwebdesign.co.uk!!).

My daytime employer has a few Access DB's that they've asked me to manage and maintain so I've found myself on a rather steep learning curve as they've now asked me to design, build and implement a new DB built entirely in Access 2010 so I'm sure I'll be coming back with questions every now and again! so thank you in advance!!


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