Hello to All


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:02
Dec 25, 2018
Hello All,

I bring you greetings from Ghana. I am old to Access as a hobby. I am new to Access for a living.

I am trying to transform my hobby with Access (while as an employee) to a means of being on my own (self-employed) and possibly an employer.

I followed this forum a lot during my searches but now I need to come aboard.

My knowledge level is still basic and I will count on all existing members to help me find my feet.

I thank so much the Originators of this forum and all you out there who have helped me without even knowing it. I searched your threads, I followed your discussions, and I make good use of your conclusions.

I associate myself with the statement "THE MORE I LEARN, THE MORE I REALIZE HOW MUCH I DON'T KNOW".

Kind regards,

Welcome aboard! That statement applies to me too.
I believe some famous philosopher once said, "The beginning of wisdom is to realize what you don't know." Or words to that effect.

In any case, glad to have you around, Shafiu.

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