Help Please - Capture CloseDateTime when status change


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Today, 10:36
Aug 22, 2008
I am creating a maintenance database, break downs are raised, engineers select a job. They can log off the job so i can capture times etc. However Im now working on capturing the close date which is the time the break down was fixed .

I have a field in a table called "CloseDateTime" and display a form (based on a query) which has a status dropdown with Close/Open. I am trying to capture the "CloseDateTime" when the status changes from open to closed. I have tried for two days with no success and no VB programmer. Its the highlighted RED section

Option Compare Database

Private Sub LogOff_btn_Click()
EngEndTimeDate = Now()
Live = False
DoCmd.Close acForm, "EngJobList_frm"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "EngUpdate_frm"
End Sub

Private Sub Status_combo_AfterUpdate()
ClosedDateTime = Now()
End Sub
You need to test the value of the combo before setting the control. I always use Me. for my controls
Better start getting used to putting Option Explicit in every module via VBA editor/Tools/Options/Require variabledeclaration, but that will only work on new modules. You need to amend existing ones manually.
sorry need more basic advice :( example ?
Private Sub Status_combo_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Status_combo = "Close" Then
    ClosedDateTime = Now()
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Status_combo_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Status_combo = "Close" Then
    ClosedDateTime = Now()
End If
End Sub
Thankyou so much i did discover a issue in that the field "CloseDateTime" wasnt in the query . I have used your code and it works perfect, thankyou i can now switch off work !

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