help with access .mdb file


New member
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Yesterday, 19:52
Oct 14, 2011
There is an access file.mdb

If I try to open the file in xp - it opens up the access program (in this case it is working correctly)

But if I try to open it in windows 7, I get tables, why?

Please help...
I see the post was removed AND the OP has not returned... So perhaps they got an answer somewhere.
Sorry for the late reply but my I still need help with this problem, I have posted a topic a new topic there:

Unfortunately this forum doesn't allow posting "links" for new member unless they have 10 post so I am unable to provide the link of the topic I created thereso I am posting here too (whatever I posted there):

Unfortunately, my topic was closed

My problem is not solved..

My problem is...I have an access database which is a small user-interface program which itself is an .mdb file.

Working on that user-interface access program, saves all the data on "I" drive on the machine.

Now I need to move the database to new machine with office 2011 on it.

I copied the back-end database on D drive (because there is on "I" drive on this computer)

I also copied the user-interface access program. so now when I try to open the access program I get this error:

Error message: "I:\database\store.mdb" is not a valid path. Make sure the path name is spelled correctly and you are connected to server.

I know the error is quite obvious because on old machine the database.mdb file was on "I" drive.

How can I change the path in the accesss program to see drive D instead of "I" ?

Any help would be appreciated...
You need to relink your database... Tools > Linked Table Manager.
Here is the screen shot of access program that I am using (which is linked with the database that is located on the I drive).
Here is the screenshot of access program that I am using (which is linked with the database that is located on the I drive).

You can see, I don't see any toolbar options like Tools > Linked Table Manager.

I even tried to save the program on windows 7 new computer which has I drive and have to save location of database so technically I shud not get error message about location or can't find database - In that case the program doesn't work and I see option that "database is read-only, save it" and it saved blank database.

I am totally lost..please help me.
You can see, I don't see any toolbar options like Tools > Linked Table Manager.

I even tried to save the program on windows 7 new computer which has I drive and have to save location of database so technically I shud not get error message about location or can't find database - In that case the program doesn't work and I see option that "READ-ONLY - This database has been opened read-only. You can only change data in linked tables. To make design changes, save a copy of the database."" and it saved blank database.
see this:

I am totally lost..please help me.
Last edited:
I have user spaced in the url of screenshot because I am not allowed to post link here since I am a new member.

so please remove the spaces and see the screenshots.
I have also checked if that "READ ONLY" messages is due to permission issue, but the machine on which this access program is working, none of the user has read/write permissions but still able to run the program.

I have also checked the permission settings for the database, it is accessible to EVERYONE

any help would be appreciated ?
Do you have a full version of Access or are you using the Runtime?
This is the screenshot of actual database that my access program is using which is located on I drive: http : // . jpg

On the header you can see, it says "Trial Version" but same version is being used on the actual old computer too where it works. It is just not working from any other computer.

does t he screenshot help in figuring out what the problem is ?
I don't think is it trail version problem because like I mentioned above, same trial version is being used on the original computer where the program is working perfectly fine.

Everything is as it is, but it is not working in other machines.

The problem is, even if I don't need the options that I am not able to see in the access program because I have the same location (I drive) on other computers too..

When the database is in correct location (which is hard-coded in the access program) - In that Case I get the READ ONLY message which I posted above.
I don't know about the other computers but a Trial version (as pictured) is not going to work correctly, if at all, past it's Trial date. It really sounds like you need to purchase it.
  1. I: Drive Mapping?
  2. Access Rights (Microsoft Access Security)?
  3. Hard Coding of Location address?

  1. Normally, I:, J:, Z: etc. are mapped to Network Server Locations. Check the mapping of the I: drive where the database works Ok. It will look something like: SharedDoc (\\Server Name\Main Folder) (I:). SharedDoc is a Folder under \Main Folder. When you try the database on the other machine check I: drive mapping matches the first machine, where it works Ok. You can check the mapping of Drives in the windows explorer. they will appear along with C:, D: etc. Sample image attached.
  2. If the Database was implemented with Microsoft Access Security on the original machine using default System.mdw (Access Security database) file then most probably the Admin User was removed from Admins Group and access rights to this account was denied. When you try this database on some other machine without Access Security, Read/Write permission will not be available, because you will be silently logon as Admin user.
  3. If Location hard-coding is the problem then you may open the VBA Modules (ALT+F11) and locate the hard-coded location address and change manually based on the current location of the Database.


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