Help with linking forms.


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Today, 20:07
Jul 11, 2006
I have the following tables: tblSales, tblCustomers, tblEmployees, tblInstall, tblCreditCheck.

There are 6 products in 2 categories: Sky: Sky A, Sky B, Sky C and Phones: 3G - A, 3G - B (these are related by tblProducts to tblSales)

tblSales has lngCustomerID and lngEmployeeID. I want to be able to input data into both tblSales and tblCustomers and tblInstall or tblCreditCheck at the same time.

tblInstall is only used for Sky deals and tblCreditCheck is only used for phone deals, and the data needs to be entered there at the same time as into tblSales.

However the biggest problem is creating an entry in tblSale and tblCustomers at the same time... so I want to link from frmCustomer (Having created a customer entry) to frmSkySale or frmPhoneSale where it will automatically input lngCustomerID # (The one that I have just created) into the lng_CustomerID field. Hence I would be putting the data into the frmSkySale which would correspong to a particular customer.

Are you using a main form and sub-forms within the main form?
Well that was what I wanted to do at first, but I could not get it to work. I could have it that way... or alternatively just have a link within the mother form of frmCustomers to go to frmSky ( Where one would create a Sky Sale, after having created the customer) or frmPhones (Where one would create a Phone sale for the customer). This would be my preferred way of doing it.. since there will be more products later on. Thus it would be convinient to bring up a customer/create a new customer... and then make a sale entry.

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