Help with vlookup/hlookups


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Today, 19:41
Mar 17, 2013

I need some help with an expression for a field. I have a “RiskReg” table with a “probability” field (input options are L/ML/MH/H), an “impact” field (input options are also L/ML/MH/H) and “RiskRate” field. I need access to calculate the “RiskRate” field for me depending on the results of the “probability” & “impact” fields. I have the following “RiskRAG” table in access to lookup the right scores:

field Prob L Prob ML Prob MH Prob H
impact H 4 8 12 16
impact MH 3 6 9 12
impact ML 2 4 6 8
impact L 1 2 3 4

What do I put in the “RiskRate” field to be able to look up this table? Im thing a vlookup & hlookup on the “RiskRAG” table but don’t know how

Many thanks
sorry table not clear, but its basically

impact H, Prob L then Risk Rag = 4
impact H, Prob ML then Risk Rag = 8
impact H, Prob MH then Risk Rag = 12
impact H, Prob H then Risk Rag = 16

impact MH, Prob L then Risk Rag = 3
impact MH, Prob ML then Risk Rag = 6
impact MH, Prob MH then Risk Rag = 9
impact MH, Prob H then Risk Rag = 12

impact ML, Prob L then Risk Rag = 2
impact ML, Prob ML then Risk Rag = 4
impact ML, Prob MH then Risk Rag = 6
impact ML, Prob H then Risk Rag = 8

impact L, Prob L then Risk Rag = 1
impact L, Prob ML then Risk Rag = 2
impact L, Prob MH then Risk Rag = 3
impact L, Prob H then Risk Rag = 4
The table should look like post 2, not post 1. That way it's a simple lookup with 2 criteria, or a join in queries.
so a table like this:

H L 4
H ML 8
H MH 12
H H 16
MH L 3
MH H 12

etc, etc

what lookup formular would i use then, i need to check 2 fields

im sorry i still dont get it :-(

im not sure which to use numeric or string.

the "RiskRate" field on the RiskReg table/Form needs to come from the numberic results filed in the "RiskRAG" table, but i am looking up 2 text fields "probability" & "impact" from the RiskReg table to the RiskRAG table.

Also am i looking up the filed i want filled ("RiskRate") and the 2 criterias are "Probability" and "impact"?


Dlookup("result","RiskRAG", "criteria1 ="RiskRAG"!"IMPACT"="RiskReg"!"Impact"AND criteria2="RiskRAG"!"PROB"="RiskReg"!"Probability")

is that even close????
Close is relative. :p

Depends on where you're using it. On a form, as a textbox control source it would look like:

=Dlookup("result","RiskRAG", "IMPACT='" & [Impact] & "' AND PROB='" & [Probability] & "'")

Presuming Impact and Probability were fields on the form.
Happy to help! I think you'll be happier in the long run. That design is easier to work with plus will handle new probabilities much easier than what you had.
Hello - me again! i have just created a report on this form you helped me with but the value that we have calculated is not showing on the report, the field is just blank. i have had a look at the field/report properties & can't work out why the value is not showing?
I can't see the properties from here ;). Can you attach the db?
can't im afraid its confidential. but which properties do you need to see, the RAG field in the form, or report properties??
Well, the same formula you have above should work on a report, presuming the fields in the criteria are on the report. I'd be willing to bet the tables could be joined in the report's source query, which would be most efficient.

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