Here is a mysterious one


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:55
Jan 26, 2004
I have a database here at work. The backend resides on a server and all of the various frontends link to that server. I update changes to all computers using a .bat file which copies a master copy to all of the computers. I recently updated everyone and it seems just fine. The only catch is my boss's computer. On the main form there is an edit button that allows field to be changed etc. When he clicks that button it goes to the debugger and highlights ctrl.Name. It works just fine on all the other computers on the network but not this one. I have tried different databases etc and it only doesn't work on his. Any ideas. I am in hot water here. Thank you.
I posted this in the general area also but I think it may pertain here as well.

I have a database here at work. The backend resides on a server and all of the various frontends link to that server. I update changes to all computers using a .bat file which copies a master copy to all of the computers. I recently updated everyone and it seems just fine. The only catch is my boss's computer. On the main form there is an edit button that allows fields to be changed etc. When he clicks that button it goes to the debugger and highlights ctrl.Name. It works just fine on all the other computers on the network but not this one. I have tried different databases etc and it only doesn't work on his. Any ideas. I am in hot water here. Thank you.
Open a module on the offending computer and check for a missing reference.
I checked the references and they are all there. That was my first thought. Is there a way that the reference could be checked but it is not really being referenced? It is just baffleing. Thank you for your help.
You may want to try to reinstall Access on the boss's machine.

However, a better solution is to get another server and set it up with Windows 2003 and use it as a terminal server. Set up a desktop for all the users on the terminal server. Install Access on the terminal server and copy both frontend and backend to the terminal server. Put a shortcut on the terminal server desktops of all the users. This way you do not have the network filled with record sets going back and forth. The only things that traverse the network are key strokes, mouse clicks, and changes in the display. The general performance will be improved significantly. It would also avoid the problem your boss's machine has.
Here-in lies the great mystry of computers. Mystries like this are some of the reasons I got out of the business. There is no LOGICAL reason. Some little switch somewhere in your bosses computer got changed and you can probably spend the next 2 months locating it. You will look at it a dozen times and not see it. Someone else will wave their hands over the keyboard and it will "fix itself". go figure!

It works one day on all the computers and then pooooooffffff, it blows up on one of them them - the important one.

Try this....Go back to the "original" configuration before the update. Make sure the entire system is working. Then test the update on his computer only. Look at all the changes in the system and his configuration for anything that could cause the problem. He may even have another program that conflicts with the changed module.

Good luck
geraldcor said:
I posted this in the general area also but I think it may pertain here as well.

In future, please choose one relevant forum and post there as double posts are a waste of peoples' time. I've merged them together.

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