Hey y'all!


New member
Local time
Today, 21:27
Aug 26, 2014
Hey everyone,

I'm a 28 year old IT fiend (fanatic, nerd, you call it whatever you wish, hehe!) who has been tinkering with computers on a hardware and software level since I was about 8 years old. I love everything to do with computers and have always strived to understand and become competent in all fields whether it be programming, website design, support, maintenance or anything. Owing to my dire handwriting and lack of physical dexterity through medical issues the world of computers was opened to me at a young age and I embraced it wholeheartedly.

The rub? I never got much experience with databases nor found anyone who could teach it to me coherently throughout my education :banghead:

I've stumbled across this forum in a drive to solve some issues I am now having with Access databases I am now required to work with. I work for a small non-profit organisation in central London that runs international conferences for professionals in the banking, insolvency and turnaround sectors, and up until recently all their IT management was outsourced at considerable cost yet with less and less productive or timely results. So far I have been able to handle everything my job has required of me as the only on site guy technically being called an IT manager but with my limited knowledge I am doing much more of this :banghead: these days!

I hope you will welcome me into your forum and aid me in accruing valuable database skills, my apologies for the long post and thanks to any who have read this far.


D Robertson
Hey, Uncle Gizmo, many thanks :D

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