Honestly, try this!!!

Matt Greatorex said:
Also, try 'french military victories'.

Different response, but I still found it amusing.
Yes it was, that is until you reach the part that says America won WW1:rolleyes:
Matt Greatorex said:
Also, try 'french military victories'.

Different response, but I still found it amusing.
That one is very good. The guy who did that faked google webpage have had a great idea. Congrats!
I still wonder how he managed to bring it to the top of the list, since no one would visit if not at the top.
Newman said:
I still wonder how he managed to bring it to the top of the list, since no one would visit if not at the top.

I was wondering that myself. :confused:
Rich, Newman

Obviously I'm a bit shallow, as it was the suggested 'Did you mean..' alternative I found funny, rather than where the link actually led.
:confused: That's exactly what I am talking about. I ain't talking about his "black page". I am talking about his "fake google page".

How could I say that his site is funny since we, quebequois, are Canadians because they lost the Quebec war against the british (Montcalm vs Wolfe)?
Sorry, mind on other things (and it has enough trouble concentrating on one).

I saw Rich's comment about the US and assumed you'd both delved deeper than I did.

Just ignore me.
Newman said:
How could I say that his site is funny since we, quebequois, are Canadians because they lost the Quebec war against the british (Montcalm vs Wolfe)?

What would you have been if the result had gone the other way?

Newman said:

So you wouldn't have ever asked for Independence?

The very tolerent British allowed you to be French Canadians, what would you have done with the none French Colonials?

Very good question.
I must admit that I don't know what would have happen then. I guess we would have done the same, but we would need to read a lot on French history to have a clue.
It's hard to tell what the present would have look like if the past had been different. If I recall my lessons on the chaos theory, everything would have been a lot different 'cause one little thing changes the whole.

Maybe winning that war in Quebec would have give more power to France which would have turned the Axies in WW2.
Or maybe the French would have bring the world to the WW2 by invading Europe once again, being the Axies, while USA and britain would have help the Germans to get rid of the French.
You never know!

Maybe all North America would be French and none of the American inventions would have been done.
Maybe the natives would have overcome the French right after and North America would have been kept unspoiled. Or maybe the natives would have declare war to Europe in WW2.

Ouch! I need to take my pills.:D

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