Solved HOW??? An HTML string stored in a long text table field with breaks for variables to be used in boilerplate eMails...


Local time
Today, 02:36
Nov 1, 2012
OK! That pretty much sums it up and even though somewhere in the late 1980's i crafted a website using Notepad, i am these days so clueless that i've been looking for a straight forward "how to" and can't find one. I probably can't think of the right search terminology because i think i've found about everything else in the internet-

I have roughly five standard text wordings, each with 2 to 4 variable fields to be inserted, and each with a phone number and URL. I just checked and one of them is 365 characters including spaces. They are all extremely similar.

I know i also more recently (OK, probably 10 years ago) used MS Word to create a few basic HTML pages.

I've spent the better portions of several days wandering around worse than if i just recently lost my vision, was put on roller skates and sent into a maze. On ice. Wet ice. With a polar bear.

Can one of you good folks who, as opposed to me actually know what you are doing, give me the big letters, small words with pictures version of how to accomplish this please!

Many thanks for considering my confusion, and especially for being there to aid. I assure you that i only ask when i've come to the point of desperation-

Best Regards,
To go into slightly more detail: Each of the tokens needs a unique name. Use something like:

Save the string in a long text field. Use the Replace() to replace each token.
OK, that is progress!!! An excellent idea, even outstanding. Believe it or not, i am excited that i'm being rescued!

But you folks have been far too complimentary on the deck i'm playing with. Not only have i forgotten how to write HTML, but i can't even recall the name of the WYSIWYG editor i once used - it was so nice and simple. Those i have recently looked at are crammed with some absolutely astounding web page building tools, but i just want one window where i write and format like i was writing in Word, and another window from which i can copy the HTML to paste into the table field... I really thought that i once could do so with Word, but i couldn't find "the button to click" anywhere. Internet searches on this seem to be highly influenced where the word "best" either runs me into offerings that have a whole lot of other things going on, or to what appear to be sites that are paid to present "the best" based upon who pays more, to the ones that are set up by a company that has a product and for some really strange reason it also happens to be "the best".

I'm going to try again now, and no longer use such a dirty word as "best". I am going to shoot for "simplest" or "most basic" and terms like that.

I wonder what "worst" might bring up-

Edit: I think i found it! The program that i could not recall the name of is Kompozer, and i found it using my revised search terms (but not "worst" as i hadn't got that far). Now as long as they have not "updated" or "enhanced" it too much... I will advise what i find-

And as always, thank you everyone.
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Funny you should write that...

In all my cramming trying to get up to speed after not touching Access for about 12 to 14 years, Colin is one of the people who has given me a hand on several occasions, and yes, i downloaded his rich text app just earlier today!

Thank you!
I don't know if this is the same. I have strings to be processed, and include replace tags surrounded by curly braces. {Employee_name}

I explicitly check for all pre-defined tags and replace them as appropriate.

Is that relevant for what you are doing?
Exactly! I just now am using the square brackets instead of curly as was advised above- Gives an excellent distinction from perhaps coming by the same letter sequence when using the"replace" function. I've also learned that despite many people out there starting that the field is actually not rtf but truly html, if it is it is (hmmmmmm, that looks weird) a highly rtf oriented version of html. For now i abandoned using Kompozer and am using the formatting capabilities within an Access long text "html" field to produces output, along with re learning links (I've really got to see a neurologist, my ability to recall and/or memorize is shot).

Thank you everyone!

I don't recall if this board has the capability to mark a thread "resolved", but when i get to a full size officer computer as opposed to this phone, I'll find out and do so if available-
There is a solved option, top right I seem to recall?
Just had to get to a "real" computer!
(OK, phones are amazing these days, heck, i started on the good old black desk corded dial phones, having missed the "Andy Griffith" phones by but a few years, but when it comes to using a browser and keyboard, i kinda prefer my desktop-)

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