How can I secure my database?


New member
Local time
Tomorrow, 01:26
Sep 22, 2004

I need to secure my databse so that other users can only access certain forms and view the reports (i.e. not be able to change any data, queries, formats etc - just view output).

Unfortunately I don't have the User Level Security Wizard function! Does anyone know of another way of doing this?

Many thanks
If you have the Office CD you can install the security wizard from there.
Alternatively, you can split your database into front end and back end and distribute the front end (with just forms/reports) to your users.

Moreover, you can also pass an MDE version rather than an MDB so that users can't mess with your forms/reports design neither.
I would strongly suggest you invest the time to learn how Access security works from the ground up and ditch the wizard. At some point the wizard will fall short in fulfilling your requirements, as most wizards do.

However, if you plan on using the Security Wizard make sure that you read more than enough about it, so that you don't end up locking yourself out of your database. If you search this forum, there are several threads covering the issue and there are also some links to articles covering Access Security.
There are many alternatives to using Access Security when it comes to securing your database.

A shareware version of a simplified user security add-in - LASsie (Light Application Security) for MS Access - is available for download here:

Also, there's the Access Project Security Manager from databasecreations, Inc.:

Hope this helps,

Peter De Baets
Peter's Software - MS Access Tools for Developers

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