How do I RecordSet

Select [JCRB Slides Query - Late CIDR].[Fulfillment Group], [JCRB Slides Query - Late CIDR].IIf([DaysLate]>0,"On Time", IIf([DaysLate]<31, "1-30 Days", IIf([DaysLate]<90, "31-90 Days", IIf([DaysLate]<366, "91-1 Year", "Over a Year")))) As Bucket, Count(*) As NumLate
FROM [JCRB Slides Query - Late CIDR]
GROUP BY [JCRB Slides Query - Late CIDR].[Fulfillment Group], [JCRB Slides Query - Late CIDR].IIf([DaysLate]>0,"On Time", IIf([DaysLate]<31, "1-30 Days", IIf([DaysLate]<90, "31-90 Days", IIf([DaysLate]<366, "91-1 Year", "Over a Year"))))

I think i did something wrong cuz I am getting an error. Undefined Function '[JCRB Slides Query - Late CIDR].IIf' in expression
You need to fully qualify each test with the tablename I expect?
Might use the Switch() function?
Итак, это мое начало. Я хочу пробежаться и подсчитать элементы по их статусу группы выполнения и записать его в таблицу, которую я создал, чтобы я мог посмотреть на цифры для более позднего элемента
there are several compilation errors in your code and there are undeclared variables - the code will not work

in addition, it is absolutely unreadable - the width of the lines is much larger than the width of the screen

a few seconds spent on splitting long lines into short ones, into the screen) in the query editor will allow you to bring it into a readable form and significantly speed up the debugging of the task.
Dim dbCurr As DAO.Database
Dim rsLate As DAO.Recordset
Dim sq, sw As String   ''''''''''''''''''
Dim tmpCIDRCount, tmpJCRBValid, tmpRASA, tmpRASAHold, tmpCRIB, tmpCRIBHold, tmpDevHold
Dim tmpTandE, tmpTandEHold, tmpReadyforAccept As Long

 response = MsgBox("Have you selected the threat topic and information cutoff date?", _
    vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2, _
    "Generate CIDR Snapshot Confirmation")
 If response = vbNo Then
  Exit Sub
 End If
 Set dbCurr = CurrentDb()
 sq = "Select CdgrToCidr.[CDGR ID#], FulfillmentGroup.[Fulfillment Group],"
 sq = sq & "  CnfToThreat.[Threat Adversary], Cnf.Status, Cnf.[Need By Date] "
 sq = sq & " FROM (((Cnf"
 sq = sq & " INNER JOIN CnfToCdgr"
 sq = sq & "   ON Cnf.[CNF ID#] = CnfToCdgr.[Cnf ID#])"
 sq = sq & " LEFT JOIN CnfToThreat"
 sq = sq & "   ON Cnf.[CNF ID#] = CnfToThreat.[Cnf ID#]) "
 sq = sq & " INNER JOIN CdgrToCidr"
 sq = sq & "  ON CnfToCdgr.[CDGR ID#] = CdgrToCidr.[CDGR ID#])"
 sq = sq & " INNER JOIN FulfillmentGroup"
 sq = sq & "  ON CdgrToCidr.[Fulfillment Status] = FulfillmentGroup.[Fulfillment Status] "
 sq = sq & " GROUP BY CdgrToCidr.[CDGR ID#], FulfillmentGroup.[Fulfillment Group],"
 sq = sq & "  CnfToThreat.[Threat Adversary], Cnf.Status, Cnf.[Need By Date] "
 sq = sq & " HAVING ((CdgrToCidr.[Fulfillment Status] Not Like 'Rejected*')"
 sq = sq & " AND ((Cnf.Status) Like 'JCRB Validated*'))"
 sw = Me.cmdSelThreatTopic.Value
 If (sw = "Other" Or sw = "Agnostic" Or sw = "All") Then
  sq = sq & " And CnfToThreat.[Threat Adversary] Not Like 'CHN'  "
  sq = sq & " And CnfToThreat.[Threat Adversary] Not Like 'IRN'  "
  sq = sq & " And CnfToThreat.[Threat Adversary] Not Like 'PRK'  "
  sq = sq & " And CnfToThreat.[Threat Adversary] Not Like 'RUS'  "
  sq = sq & " And CnfToThreat.[Threat Adversary] Not Like 'VEO'  "
  sq = sq & " AND CnfToThreat.[Threat Adversary] = '" & sw & "'"
 End If

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